首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Pregnancy outcome following genetic amniocentesis at 11-14 versus 16-19 weeks' gestation.

Pregnancy outcome following genetic amniocentesis at 11-14 versus 16-19 weeks' gestation.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare pregnancy complications in women having genetic amniocentesis at 11-14 weeks versus those undergoing amniocentesis at 16-19 weeks' gestation. METHODS: A genetics data base was used to identify patients retrospectively, those who had genetic amniocenteses by three experienced operators during a 4-year period. The study group consisted of women who had amniocenteses at 11-14 weeks' gestation. For each study patient (early amniocentesis), two controls (amniocentesis at 16-19 weeks) were identified and matched for maternal age, race, and the number of prior spontaneous abortions. An immediate post-procedure complication was defined as any vaginal bleeding, rupture of membranes, or fetal loss occurring up to 30 days after the amniocentesis. A later complication was defined as any fetal death longer than 30 days after the amniocentesis, any preterm delivery, any infant weighing less than the tenth percentile for gestational age, and any neonatal death. Immediate and later complications were compared between the study and control groups. RESULTS. The study group consisted of 314 patients who were matched to 628 controls. Women who had a genetic amniocentesis performed at 11-14 weeks were significantly more likely to have post-procedure amniotic fluid leakage (2.9 versus 0.2%), post-procedure vaginal bleeding (1.9 versus 0.2%), and a fetal loss within 30 days of the amniocentesis (2.2 versus 0.2%) than women undergoing genetic amniocentesis at 16-19 weeks' gestation. Four of the seven patients (57%) with a fetal loss within 30 days of an early amniocentesis had procedure-related complications, such as amniotic fluid leakage, bleeding, and infection, that caused the pregnancy to be lost. No differences were noted between the two groups in the number of preterm deliveries, later fetal deaths, neonatal deaths, or newborns weighing less than the tenth percentile for gestational age. CONCLUSION: Genetic amniocentesis at 11-14 weeks is associated with more post-procedure complications and a higher fetal loss rate within 30 days of the procedure than a genetic amniocentesis performed at 16-19 weeks' gestation.
机译:目的:比较11-14周遗传性羊膜穿刺术与妊娠16-19周进行羊膜穿刺术的妇女的妊娠并发症。方法:使用遗传学数据库对患者进行回顾性鉴定,这些患者在4年的时间内由三名经验丰富的操作员进行了遗传羊膜穿刺术。该研究小组由在妊娠11-14周时有羊膜穿刺术的妇女组成。对于每位研究患者(早期羊膜穿刺术),确定了两个对照(16-19周时的羊膜穿刺术),并与产妇年龄,种族和先前自然流产的次数相匹配。术后立即并发症的定义为在羊膜腔穿刺术后30天内发生的任何阴道出血,膜破裂或胎儿流失。后来的并发症定义为:羊膜腔穿刺术后超过30天的任何胎儿死亡,任何早产,体重小于胎龄的十分之一的婴儿以及任何新生儿死亡。比较研究组和对照组的即刻和以后的并发症。结果。研究组由314例患者与628例对照患者组成。在11-14周进行了遗传性羊膜穿刺术的妇女在手术后羊水漏出的可能性更高(2.9比0.2%),术后阴道流血(1.9对比0.2%)以及30天内胎儿丢失在妊娠16-19周时接受遗传性羊膜穿刺术的女性比羊膜穿刺术的比例高(2.2%vs 0.2%)。在早期羊膜腔穿刺术30天内胎儿丢失的7例患者中,有4例(57%)患有与手术相关的并发症,例如羊水漏出,出血和感染,这些都导致了孕妇流产。两组之间在早产,以后的胎儿死亡,新生儿死亡或体重小于胎龄的十分之一的新生儿之间没有差异。结论:与在妊娠16-19周进行遗传性羊膜穿刺术相比,在11-14周进行遗传性羊膜穿刺术与手术后30天内发生更多的术后并发症和更高的胎儿丢失率相关。



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