首页> 外文期刊>Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals >Selection of sulfhydryl collectors for flotation of sulfides of nonferrous metals from refractory ores of nonferrous metals

Selection of sulfhydryl collectors for flotation of sulfides of nonferrous metals from refractory ores of nonferrous metals


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Methods of selection of selective collectors are analyzed. The procedure for calculating characteristics of absolute rigidity, absolute electronegativity, and reaction ability of compounds is presented. The correspondence between the results of theoretical calculations of the reaction ability of sulfhydryl collectors and experimental results of adsorption and flotation of monomineral fractions of chalcopyrite, galenite, and pyrite by sulfhydryl collectors is revealed. The prediction of the collecting activity based on calculations is complicated by the features of the chemical composition of natural sulfides, and the defectiveness of the surface associated with the genesis of ore minerals in the deposit is revealed. Dithiophosphates and thionocarbamates are isolated as main components of the selective compositions of collectors for the flotation of pyrite ores of nonferrous metals based on theoretical and experimental investigations. It is shown by a complex of adsorption investigations in conditions of nonfrothing flotation and analysis of the IR frustrated total internal reflection (ATR) spectra of concentrates of nonfrothing flotation that the nonoptimal ratio of components weakly active relative to pyrite leads to a considerable increase in pyrite floatability. The sorption of components of the sulfhydryl collector and pyrite floatability increase when the fraction of a nonionogenic collector in the composition is lower than 40-60%. The action mechanism, which determines the action selectivity of sulfhydryl collectors during the flotation of sulfides, is determined.



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