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This Little Piggy...


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Delyth Jones works from a small studio on atmospheric Eel Pie Island. The famous Thames isle, reached by footbridge from Twickenham in south-west London, is a bohemian mix of villas, cutting-edge offices, houseboats, boatyards and artists' studios, all enveloped by a backdrop of jungly foliage and surrounded by lapping water. Here, marooned from urban fuss, Jones taps into the things that inspire her expressive clay animals, whose markings she creates using simple smoke firing techniques. Her pin board is covered in images of cows, sheep, pigs and hens, often snapped at visits to agricultural shows. Another talisman is a heavy tome about the prehistoric cave paintings of Lascaux in south-west France. 'I love the tones of colour on the cave walls and die simple yet beautiful depictions of animals such as the ox,' says Jones, turning the pages as if they were gilded. Childhood memories are another powerful inspiration. 'I grew up on a mixed farm in a remote part of north Wales and we kept all kinds of animals. I remember going out with my dad to help feed calves and sheep. I used to spend a lot of time just looking at them, watching the way they moved and interacted with each other.' After she left home to become an illustrator she always felt drawn back to the farm and visited often. 'It was in our family for three generations and it was a huge part of us.'
机译:Delyth Jones在大气鳗鱼派岛上的一个小工作室里工作。从伦敦西南部特威克纳姆(Twickenham)的行人天桥可到达著名的泰晤士岛(Thames),是别墅,尖端办公室,船屋,船坞和艺术家工作室的波西米亚风情融合,所有房间都被茂密的树叶包裹着,周围环绕着水。琼斯(Jones)受到城市喧嚣的熏陶,并激发了启发她富有表现力的黏土动物的事物,并使用简单的发烟技术创造了它们的标记。她的针板覆盖着母牛,绵羊,猪和母鸡的图像,经常在参观农业展览时被抢购一空。另一个护身符是关于法国西南部Lascaux的史前洞穴壁画的沉重篇幅。琼斯说:“我喜欢洞穴墙壁上的彩色色调,并且死掉了像牛这样的动物的简单而优美的图画,”琼斯转过身,就像是烫金一样。童年的回忆是另一个强大的灵感。 ``我在北威尔士偏远地区的一个混合农场长大,我们饲养了各种动物。我记得和父亲一起出去帮小牛和绵羊喂食。我曾经花很多时间看着它们,看着它们移动和互动的方式。”她离开家成为插画家后,总是感到被吸引回农场并经常光顾。 “这是我们家族中的三代人,这是我们很大的一部分。”




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