首页> 外文期刊>Rheumatology international. >Comparison of OMERACT-RAMRIS scores and computer-aided dynamic magnetic resonance imaging findings of hand and wrist as a measure of activity in rheumatoid arthritis

Comparison of OMERACT-RAMRIS scores and computer-aided dynamic magnetic resonance imaging findings of hand and wrist as a measure of activity in rheumatoid arthritis


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The purpose of this study was to compare the value of conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) finding of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and computer-aided dynamic MRI measurements in predicting the activity of disease. The activity of the disease in 40 RA patients was evaluated by the disease activity score in 28 joints (DAS28). The conventional MRI of the wrists of all patients were scored for bone edema, synovitis and erosions, according to the criteria of RA-MRI scoring system (RAMRIS) developed by Outcome measures in rheumatology clinical trials (OMERACT) MR Imaging Group. Synovitis was also quantified by dynamic postcontrast MRI imaging using color coded maximum slope of increase maps and measurements of early enhancement rate (EER) and relative enhancement (RE). Twenty-two (55 %) patients with a score higher than 5.1 constituted the high disease activity group, 18 (45 %) patients with a score of 5.1 or less constituted moderate disease activity group. The dynamic MRI-EER score was the most significant parameter to differentiate between the groups (p = 0.001). Among OMERACT scores, only bone edema [p = 0.020 for wrist and p = 0.037 for metacarpophalangeal joints (MCP)] had a significant difference between the two groups. Dynamic MRI RE score and OMERACT scores for erosions and synovitis for both the wrist and MCP joints did not differ significantly between the two groups. Computer-aided dynamic MRI is a reliable, noninvasive method of evaluating the RA patients, which correlates with the DAS28 scores, at a higher significance than the OMERACT-RAMRIS scores.
机译:这项研究的目的是比较类风湿关节炎(RA)的常规磁共振成像(MRI)和计算机辅助动态MRI测量在预测疾病活动中的价值。通过28个关节的疾病活动评分(DAS28)评估了40名RA患者的疾病活动。根据风湿病临床试验(OMERACT)MR影像小组开发的RA-MRI评分系统(RAMRIS)的标准,对所有患者手腕的常规MRI进行了骨水肿,滑膜炎和糜烂评分。滑膜炎还通过动态造影后MRI成像进行量化,使用彩色编码的最大增高图和早期增强率(EER)和相对增强(RE)的测量值。得分高于5.1的患者有22名(55%)构成了高疾病活动组,得分低于5.1的患者有18名(45%)构成了中等疾病活动组。动态MRI-EER评分是区分各组的最重要参数(p = 0.001)。在OMERACT评分中,只有骨水肿[腕部p = 0.020,掌指骨关节(MCP)p = 0.037]在两组之间有显着差异。两组手腕和MCP关节的糜烂和滑膜炎的动态MRI RE评分和OMERACT评分没有显着差异。计算机辅助动态MRI是评估RA患者的可靠,非侵入性方法,与DAS28评分相关,其重要性高于OMERACT-RAMRIS评分。



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