首页> 外文期刊>Rheumatology >Efficacy of tocilizumab for interstitial lung disease in an undifferentiated autoinflammatory disorder partially responsive to anakinra

Efficacy of tocilizumab for interstitial lung disease in an undifferentiated autoinflammatory disorder partially responsive to anakinra


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Sir, A 15-year-old Caucasian girl with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) was referred to Paediatric Rheumatology in 2006, housebound with a 4-year history of exertional dyspnoea requiring home oxygen and small-volume haemoptysis. Other symptoms included episodic fever, severe oropharyngeal ulceration, diarrhoea, large joint arthritis and urticarial vasculitic rash. She was ame-norrhoeic. There was no relevant family history; she was a non-smoker and denied substance abuse. Examination revealed oxygen saturations of 84% with desaturation to 61% post-exercise. There was microcytic anaemia and elevated inflammatory markers on blood testing: haemoglobin 7.7 g/dl (normal range 12.0-15.0 g/dl), mean cell volume 67 fl (83-105 fl), CRP 97mg/l (0-5 mg/l) and ESR 44 mm/h (5-15 mm/h).
机译:先生,一位强迫症(OCD)的15岁白人女孩于2006年被转诊至小儿风湿病科,全家有4年的劳累性呼吸困难史,需要家庭供氧和小剂量咯血。其他症状包括发作性发热,严重的口咽溃疡,腹泻,大关节关节炎和荨麻疹性皮疹。她是流泪的。没有相关的家族史;她是一位不吸烟的人,否认滥用药物。检查显示氧饱和度为84%,运动后氧饱和度降至61%。验血时出现小细胞性贫血和炎性标志物升高:血红蛋白7.7 g / dl(正常范围12.0-15.0 g / dl),平均细胞体积67 fl(83-105 fl),CRP 97mg / l(0-5 mg / l) l)和ESR 44毫米/小时(5-15毫米/小时)。



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