首页> 外文期刊>Radiation measurements >Signal processing for radiation dosimetry using EPR in dental enamel: comparison of three methods

Signal processing for radiation dosimetry using EPR in dental enamel: comparison of three methods


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We are reporting an alternative method of extracting useful dose information from complex EPR spectra of dental enamel. Digital differentiation of the initial first derivative spectrum followed by filtering is used to clearly distinguish the radiation-induced signal from the native background signal. The peak-to-peak height of the resulting second derivative of the signal is then measured as an indication of absorbed dose. This method does not require preliminary elimination of the native background signal, and is not effected by any uncertainty in the determination of the background signal or by errors resulting from the subtraction of two signals of comparable magnitude. Ten enamel samples were irradiated with known doses in the range of 250-10(5) mGy. There was agreement for all the samples, within the typical experimental error of +/-10% for EPR dosimetry in dental enamel, between the doses determined by two common techniques using native signal subtraction and the doses determined by the new second derivative method proposed here. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 15]
机译:我们正在报告一种从牙釉质的复杂EPR光谱中提取有用剂量信息的替代方法。最初的一阶导数频谱的数字微分和随后的滤波被用来从自然背景信号中清楚地区分辐射诱发的信号。然后测量所得信号的二阶导数的峰-峰高度,作为吸收剂量的指示。该方法不需要预先消除原始背景信号,并且不受背景信号确定过程中的任何不确定性或因减去两个可比较幅度的信号而导致的误差的影响。用250-10(5)mGy范围内的已知剂量辐照十个瓷釉样品。在使用牙本质牙本质的两种常用技术确定的剂量与此处提出的新的二阶导数方法确定的剂量之间,在牙釉质中EPR剂量测定的典型实验误差在+/- 10%的范围内,所有样品均存在一致性。 (C)2000 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:15]



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