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Radiocarbon in Porewater of Continental Shelf Sediments (Southeast Mediterranean)


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In this study, we aim to characterize the main processes controlling ~(14)C_(DIC) concentrations in porewater at the shallow shelf (water depth less than 120 m) off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. At these water depths, we expected to find evidence for seawater penetration toward the coast, since this area was flooded by seawater only some 18,000 yr ago (the end of the Last Glacial period). Measurements of the chemical composition (~(14)C_(DIC)) and stable carbon isotopic composition ( delta ~(13)C_(DIC)) were performed in several sediment cores (40-250 cm long) at water depths between 6 and 115 m. At water depths of 60 m, represented by a 2.5-m-long sediment core, the porewater ~(14)C_(DIC) levels (85-87 pMC) were lower than the corresponding sediment values in each layer (92-95 pMC), mainly due to the oxidation of relatively old organic matter (about 70 pMC) with no evidence to advection. In contrast, sediment cores from water depths shallower than 50 m showed only slight anaerobic oxidation and high ~(14)C_(DIC_ values of approximately 100 pMC, indicating possible downward advection. These geochemical observations support the perception that the penetration of seawater into the coastal aquifer occurs at the shallow water zone (<50 m), while further verification by deeper cores is required.
机译:在这项研究中,我们旨在表征控制以色列地中海沿岸浅层陆架(水深小于120 m)的孔隙水中〜(14)C_(DIC)浓度的主要过程。在这些水深处,我们预计会找到海水渗透到海岸的证据,因为该地区仅在大约18,000年前(上一次冰河期末)被海水淹没。在水深介于6和10之间的几个沉积岩心(长40-250 cm)中,进行了化学成分(〜(14)C_(DIC))和稳定碳同位素组成(δ〜(13)C_(DIC))的测量。 115米在以2.5米长的沉积物芯为代表的60 m水深处,孔隙水〜(14)C_(DIC)水平(85-87 pMC)低于每层中相应的沉积物值(92-95 pMC) ),主要是由于相对较旧的有机物(约70 pMC)被氧化而没有对流的证据。相比之下,水深小于50 m的沉积物岩心仅表现出轻微的厌氧氧化和较高的〜(14)C_(DIC_值,约为100 pMC,表明可能向下平流。沿海含水层发生在浅水区(<50 m),而更深的岩心需要进一步的验证。



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