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Computerized adventitious respiratory sounds as outcome measures for respiratory therapy: A systematic review


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INTRODUCTION: There is a need to develop simple, noninvasive, and sensitive outcome measures for respiratory therapy. Adventitious respiratory sounds (ie, crackles and wheezes) can be objectively characterized with computerized respiratory sound analysis (CORSA) and have been shown to contribute for diagnosis purposes; however, their potential for use as outcome measures is unknown. Thus, this systematic review synthesizes the evidence on the use of computerized adventitious respiratory sounds as outcome measures. METHODS: The Web of Knowledge, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and SCOPUS databases were searched. Reviewers independently selected studies according to the eligibility criteria. Effect sizes and 95% CIs were computed. RESULTS: Twelve studies with different designs (observational, n = 3; quasi-experimental n 7; and randomized controlled trial, n = 2) were included. Eight studies were conducted with adults, and 4 studies with children. Most studies explored only one type of adventitious respiratory sound. For wheezes, the occupation rate seemed to be the most promising parameter to be used as an outcome measure, with high/medium effect sizes (0.62-1.82). For crackles, the largest deflection width showed high effect sizes (1.31 and 1.04); however, this was explored in only one study. Crackle number and 2-cycle duration presented conflicting information, with high/poor effect sizes depending on the study. CONCLUSIONS: Specific variables of each adventitious respiratory sound detected and characterized by CORSA showed high effect sizes and, thus, the potential to be used as outcome measures. Further research with robust study designs and larger samples (both of children and adult populations), and following CORSA guidelines is needed to build evidence-based knowledge on this topic.
机译:简介:有必要开发简单,无创且敏感的呼吸治疗结局指标。不定呼吸声(如crack啪声和喘鸣声)可以通过计算机化的呼吸声分析(CORSA)进行客观表征,并已被证明有助于诊断。但是,将其用作结果指标的潜力尚不清楚。因此,这项系统的综述综合了使用计算机不定呼吸音作为结果指标的证据。方法:搜索知识网,MEDLINE,EMBASE和SCOPUS数据库。审阅者根据资格标准独立选择研究。计算效应大小和95%CI。结果:包括十二项不同设计的研究(观察性,n = 3;准实验,n 7;随机对照试验,n = 2)。成人进行了八项研究,儿童进行了四项研究。大多数研究仅探索一种不定呼吸声。对于喘鸣,占领率似乎是最有希望的参数,可以用作结果度量,具有高/中度效应值(0.62-1.82)。对于裂纹,最大的偏转宽度显示出较高的效果大小(1.31和1.04);但是,只有一项研究对此进行了探讨。裂纹数和2个周期的持续时间显示出相互矛盾的信息,根据研究的不同,效应大小高/低。结论:CORSA检测并表征的每个不定呼吸声的特定变量均显示出较高的效应值,因此有可能用作结果指标。需要进一步的研究,以可靠的研究设计和更大的样本(儿童和成人人口),并遵循CORSA指南,以建立有关该主题的循证知识。



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