首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries >Temperature effects on juvenile anadromous salmonids in California's central valley: what don't we know?

Temperature effects on juvenile anadromous salmonids in California's central valley: what don't we know?


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The anadromous Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) (4 runs) and steelhead (rainbow trout, O. mykiss), are both native to California's Sacramento-San Joaquin River (SSJR) system, whose watershed encompasses the central valley of California. The SSJR system holds the southernmost extant Chinook salmon populations in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, whereas coastal anadromous steelhead populations are found at more southerly latitudes. Populations of both species of anadromous salmonid have experienced dramatic declines during the past 100 years, at least partly from water impoundments and diversions on most central valley rivers and their tributaries. These changes restricted the longitudinal distribution of these salmonids, often forcing the superimposition of steelhead populations and Chinook salmon populations in the same reaches. This superimposition is problematic in part because the alterations to the river systems have not only changed the historic flow regimes, but have also changed the thermal regimes, resulting in thermally-coupled changes in fish development, growth, health, distribution, and survival. Given the highly regulated nature of the system, resource managers are constantly trying to strike a balance between maintaining or increasing the population size of anadromous fish runs and with other demands for the water, such as irrigation and water quality. To do so, in this review, we summarize the published information on the temperature tolerance and growth of the stream-associated life stages of these two valuable species, which are so central to the natural heritage of the State and its cultures. We show that many of these limits and growth-related effects are specific regarding life stage and that some may be specific to distinct strains or races of Chinook salmon and steelhead within the system. Because the number of published studies on the physiology of central valley salmonids was surprisingly low, we also use this review to highlight critical areas where further research is needed. Overall, this review should assist biologists and resource decision-makers with improved understanding for the protection and enhancement of these native fishes.
机译:奇努克奇努克鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)(4头)和硬头鲑(虹鳟鱼,O。mykiss)都产于加利福尼亚州的萨克拉曼多-圣华金河(SSJR)系统,其分水岭环绕加利福尼亚的中央山谷。 SSJR系统在东太平洋拥有最南端的奇努克鲑鱼种群,而在更南端的纬度地区则发现了沿海的顽固的黑头鲑种群。在过去的100年中,这两种过境鲑鱼的种群都经历了急剧下降,至少部分是由于大多数中部山谷河流及其支流的蓄水和改道。这些变化限制了这些鲑鱼的纵向分布,常常迫使同一地区的硬头鱼种群和奇努克鲑鱼种群叠加。这种叠加是有问题的,部分原因是河流系统的变化不仅改变了历史流量状态,而且改变了热力状态,导致鱼类发育,生长,健康,分布和生存的热耦合变化。鉴于该系统的高度监管性质,资源管理者一直在努力维持或增加适足鱼群的种群规模与对水的其他需求(例如灌溉和水质)之间取得平衡。为此,在本综述中,我们总结了有关这两个有价值物种的温度耐受性和与溪流相关的生命阶段的增长的已公开信息,这对于国家及其文化的自然遗产至关重要。我们表明,这些限制和与生长相关的影响中有许多是生命周期特有的,并且某些可能是系统中奇努克鲑鱼和黑头鲑的不同品系或种族所特有的。由于有关中部山谷鲑类鲑鱼生理学的已发表研究数量惊人地低,因此我们也使用本综述来强调需要进一步研究的关键领域。总体而言,这项审查应帮助生物学家和资源决策者更好地了解如何保护和增强这些原生鱼。



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