首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries >Incorporating movement in the modelling of shark and ray population dynamics: approaches and management implications

Incorporating movement in the modelling of shark and ray population dynamics: approaches and management implications


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The explicit incorporation of movement in the modelling of population dynamics can allow improved management of highly mobile species. Large-scale movements are increasingly being reported for sharks and rays. Hence, in this review we summarise the current understanding of long-scale movement patterns of sharks and rays and then present the different methods used in fisheries science for modelling population movement with an emphasis on sharks and rays. The use of movement data for informing population modelling and deriving management advice remains rare for sharks and rays. In the few cases where population movement was modelled explicitly, movement information has been solely derived from conventional tagging. Though shark and ray movement has been increasingly studied through a range of approaches these different sources of information have not been used in population models. Integrating these multiple sources of movement information could advance our understanding of shark and ray dynamics. This, in turn, would allow the use of more adequate models for assessing stocks and advising management and conservation effort.



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