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Increase of core temperature induced by corticotropin-releasing factor and urocortin: a comparative study.


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This study compared the ability of CRF and UCN1 to induce a thermoregulatory response when centrally injected into rats. The effects of antipyretic drugs and CRF receptor antagonists (CRF and CRF) on the temperature (T) changes induced by these peptides were also investigated. Rectal (rT) and tail skin (T(sk)) temperatures were measured with a thermistor probe while body (bT) temperature was measured with a battery-operated biotelemetry transmitter in male Wistar rats (200 g) every 30 min over a period of 6h, after intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of 1 nmol of either CRF or UCN1. Rats were pre-treated with indomethacin (2 mg kg(1), i.p.) or celecoxib (5 mg kg(1), p.o.), dexamethasone (0.5 mg kg(1), s.c.), astressin (a CRF/CRF antagonist, 7 nmol, i.c.v.) or antalarmin (a CRF antagonist, 20 mg kg(1), i.p.). The increase in body temperature induced by CRF was accompanied by a reduction in T(sk) while the response induced by UCN1 was accompanied by an elevation in T(sk). Indomethacin or celecoxib did not change the increases in rT caused by either CRF or UCN1. Although dexamethasone attenuated the increase in rectal temperature in response to CRF, dexamethasone did not modify the response induced by UCN1. Astressin blocked the UCN1-induced hyperthermia and reduced CRF-induced fever. Antalarmin did not modify the hyperthermia in response to UCN1, but reduced the fever evoked by CRF. This study demonstrated that CRF by acting on the CRF receptor induces a prostaglandin-independent fever which seems to depend, at least in part, on the synthesis of other mediators while UCN1 acts on the CRF receptor, promoting a hyperthermic response which seems to be independent on synthesis/release of any mediator.
机译:这项研究比较了将CRF和UCN1集中注射到大鼠体内后诱导体温调节反应的能力。还研究了退热药和CRF受体拮抗剂(CRF和CRF)对这些肽诱导的温度(T)变化的影响。使用热敏电阻探头测量雄性Wistar大鼠(200 g)的直肠(rT)和尾巴皮肤(T(sk))温度,持续30分钟,每30分钟用电池供电的生物遥测变送器测量电池体(bT)温度。脑室内(icv)注射1 nmol CRF或UCN1后6小时。大鼠用吲哚美辛(2 mg kg(1),ip)或塞来昔布(5 mg kg(1),口服),地塞米松(0.5 mg kg(1),sc),astressin(CRF / CRF拮抗剂, 7 nmol,icv)或antalarmin(CRF拮抗剂,20 mg kg(1),ip)。 CRF诱导的体温升高伴随着T(sk)的降低,而UCN1诱导的响应伴随着T(sk)的升高。消炎痛或塞来昔布没有改变由CRF或UCN1引起的rT升高。尽管地塞米松可缓解因CRF引起的直肠温度升高,但地塞米松并未改变UCN1诱导的反应。 Astressin阻止了UCN1引起的体温过高,并降低了CRF引起的发烧。 Antalarmin并未改变对UCN1的热疗反应,但减少了CRF引起的发烧。这项研究表明,CRF通过作用于CRF受体而诱发前列腺素非依赖性发热,这似乎至少部分取决于其他介体的合成,而UCN1则作用于CRF受体,从而促进了似乎独立的高温反应。合成/释放任何介体。



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