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Rise and fall of HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy: A long-term survey from the ITA.LI.CA centres


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Background & Aims: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the leading aetiological factor of HCC in the western world where, overall, its incidence is increasing, despite data suggesting an initial drop in some areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate epidemiology, clinical features and survival of HCV-related HCC (HCV-HCC) in a wide time range in Italy. Methods: Multicentre retrospective study including 3695 patients prospectively recruited by the ITA.LI.CA group. Patients were classified into three subgroups according to aetiology (Group A[GA], pure HCV; Group B[GB], HCV + cofactors; and Group C[GC], non-HCV) and in 5 time cohorts (5 years each), according to the year of diagnosis. Age, gender, Child-Pugh score, modality of diagnosis, stage, presence of thrombosis/metastases, type of treatment and survival were analysed. Results: A total of 1801 GA patients, 445 GB and 1333 GC were recruited. The number of GA patients peaked in the 1996-2000, gradually dropping thereafter (P < 0.0001), as observed for GB (P < 0.0001). Age at diagnosis increased (P < 0.0001), while percentage of patients diagnosed during surveillance and stage improved only in GA (P = 0.02 and P = 0.003 respectively). The survival significantly increased over time particularly in GA (median 37 months) and was longer in GA than in GB and GC (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: The prevalence of HCC-HCV is decreasing in Italy since 2001. HCV-HCC patients are older, more frequently diagnosed under surveillance and in an earlier stage. HCC survival improved in the last 15 years and is significantly higher in patients with HCV-HCC. We therefore expect a further drop in both incidence and mortality for HCV-HCC in the years to come.
机译:背景与目的:丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)是西方世界HCC的主要病因,尽管有数据表明某些地区开始下降,但总体而言,其发病率正在增加。这项研究的目的是评估意大利在很宽的时间范围内与HCV相关的HCC(HCV-HCC)的流行病学,临床特征和生存率。方法:多中心回顾性研究包括ITA.LI.CA组预期招募的3695名患者。根据病因将患者分为三个亚组(A组[GA],纯HCV; B组[GB],HCV +辅因子; C组[GC],非HCV)和5组(每组5年) ,根据诊断年份。分析了年龄,性别,Child-Pugh评分,诊断方式,分期,血栓形成/转移的存在,治疗类型和生存率。结果:共招募了1801名GA患者,445 GB和1333 GC。 GA患者的数量在1996-2000年达到顶峰,此后逐渐下降(P <0.0001),如GB观察到的(P <0.0001)。诊断时年龄增加(P <0.0001),而在监测和分期中诊断出的患者百分比仅在GA中有所改善(分别为P = 0.02和P = 0.003)。存活率随时间显着增加,特别是在GA中(中位37个月),GA中的存活时间比GB和GC中更长(P <0.0001)。结论:自2001年以来,意大利的HCC-HCV患病率呈下降趋势。HCV-HCC患者年龄较大,在监测下和早期被诊断出更为频繁。在过去的15年中,HCC生存率得到了改善,HCV-HCC患者的HCC生存率明显更高。因此,我们预计HCV-HCC的发病率和死亡率将在未来几年进一步下降。


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