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Occupational therapy students' attitudes towards individuals with disabilities: a comparison between Australia, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


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INTRODUCTION: Students who are enrolled in professional education programs such as occupational therapy may have inherent attitudes towards the future clients they work with. These attitudes may be influenced by the level of their professional education as well as cultural values of their country of origin. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to examine occupational therapy students' attitudes towards individuals with disabilities from an international, cross-cultural perspective and to investigate the possible impact of professional education on students' attitudes. METHOD: 485 occupational therapy students from 11 university programs (3 from Australia, 3 from the United Kingdom, 3 from the United States, and 2 from Taiwan) completed the Interactions with Disabled Person's (IDP) scale. RESULTS: Significant differences were found between occupational therapy students from Australia, Taiwan, the United States, and the United Kingdom on the following IDP variables: overall attitude towards individuals with disabilities, 'discomfort', 'sympathy', 'uncertainty', 'coping', 'fear', and 'vulnerability'. Significant differences between first year students as a total group and final year students as a total group were found on their overall attitudes towards individuals with disabilities, 'discomfort', and 'uncertainty'. CONCLUSION/IMPLICATIONS: The attitudes towards individuals with disabilities among first year and final year occupational therapy students varies between countries and the students' year level also impacts on their attitudes towards individuals with a disability.
机译:简介:参加诸如职业治疗等专业教育课程的学生可能会对与之合作的未来客户产生固有的态度。这些态度可能会受到其专业教育水平以及原籍国文化价值观的影响。目的:本研究的目的是从国际,跨文化的角度研究职业治疗学生对残疾人的态度,并调查职业教育对学生态度的可能影响。方法:来自11个大学课程的485名职业治疗专业学生(澳大利亚3名,英国3名,美国3名,台湾2名)完成了与残疾人互动(IDP)量表。结果:在以下IDP变量上,来自澳大利亚,台湾,美国和英国的职业治疗专业学生之间发现了显着差异:对残疾人的总体态度,“不适”,“同情”,“不确定性”,“应对” ','恐惧'和'漏洞'。在对残障人士,“不适感”和“不确定性”的总体态度上,一年级学生与整体年级学生之间存在显着差异。结论/含义:第一年和最后一年职业治疗学生对残疾人的态度因国家而异,学生的年级也影响了他们对残疾人的态度。



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