首页> 外文期刊>Livestock Science >Effect of rearing and slaughter conditions on behaviour, physiology and meat quality of Large White and Duroc-sired pigs

Effect of rearing and slaughter conditions on behaviour, physiology and meat quality of Large White and Duroc-sired pigs


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The present study investigated the effect of outdoor rearing and genetic background on behaviour and meat quality traits in heavyweight pigs. Large White and Duroc-sired pigs were reared in groups of 3 castrated males and 3 females, conventionally or in fields, from April to October, in a study with two replicates. Compared to indoor pigs, outdoor pigs were more active and showed a larger range of behaviour suggesting improved welfare from a behavioural point of view. During 5 h of isolation, outdoor pigs were less active and had lower heart rates, and in another test, they reacted less to a non-familiar object (traffic cone). Pigs were slaughtered at 150 kg live weight, half of each treatment group after mixing, short transport, and overnight lairage and half immediately following short transport. Outdoor pigs were less aggressive during pre-slaughter mixing. Ante- and post-mortem glycogen content of the Longissimus lumborum (LL), Semimembranonus (SM) and Semispinalis capitis (SC) muscles depended on slaughter conditions, sire breed, rearing conditions, gender and year of experimentation, sometimes influencing ultimate pH. Effects of rearing on muscle glycogen content and post-mortem pH were stronger during the second year of rearing. Effect of slaughter conditions on glycogen content and ultimate pH depended on fighting levels during pre-slaughter mixing. Outdoor rearing increased muscle redness. Drip and cooking loss were higher in Large White than Duroc-sired pigs. Drip and cooking loss were correlated with early post-mortem and ultimate pH. Thawing loss was correlated with early post-mortem temperature and ultimate pH. Finally, reactivity to isolation had a predictive value as pigs more active during isolation had less skin damage due to fighting during pre-slaughter mixing. In conclusion, despite large effects of year of experimentation, outdoor rearing, sire breed, and slaughter conditions influenced behaviour and muscle characteristics.



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