
Biliary tract complications: The most common postoperative complication in living liver donors


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Objectives: With the increasing number of living donor liver transplantations, biliary complications in donors have emerged as a major postoperative problem. The aim of the present study was to characterize the features of the biliary complications that occur in donors. Methods: The study subjects comprised 731 consecutive patients who donated liver grafts (434 right-lobe and 297 left-lobe grafts) for transplantation at Kyoto University Hospital from July 1999 to December 2006. Donors whose biliary complications could not be cured by conservative therapy were referred for endoscopic treatment. Results: Postoperative biliary complications occurred in 55 (7.5%) donors. Initially, 48 of these 55 donors had biliary leakage and 7 had biliary stricture. Subsequently, 5 of 48 donors with leakage developed biliary stricture. The respective incidences of biliary leakage and overall biliary complications were significantly higher among donors of right-lobe grafts (9.9% and 11.1%) than among donors of left-lobe grafts (1.7% and 2.4%). Among 55 donors with biliary complications, 24 were cured by conservative therapy, and 1 was converted to surgical repair due to ileus. Endoseopic treatment was successful in 24 of 30 (80%) donors treated by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography, while the remaining 6 (20%) patients underwent surgery due to difficulties with cannulation (N = 2), excessive biliary leakage (N = 2), or complete biliary obstruction (N = 2). Conclusions: Donors of right-lobe grafts have a significantly higher incidence of biliary complications than donors of left-lobe grafts. When conservative therapy fails, endoscopic treatment is effective for these complications, and should be attempted as the first-line therapy before surgical repair.
机译:目的:随着活体供体肝移植数量的增加,供体胆道并发症已成为术后的主要问题。本研究的目的是表征供体中发生的胆道并发症的特征。方法:研究对象为自1999年7月至2006年12月在京都大学医院连续移植的731例肝移植患者(434例右叶和297例左叶),并选择了保守治疗无法治愈的胆道并发症。进行内镜治疗。结果:55名(7.5%)供者发生了术后胆道并发症。最初,这55个供体中有48个出现胆漏,7个出现胆道狭窄。随后,48位漏出的供体中有5位出现了胆道狭窄。右叶移植物的捐献者胆汁渗漏和总体胆道并发症的发生率显着高于左叶移植物的捐献者(分别为9.9%和11.1%)(1.7%和2.4%)。在55例胆道并发症的供体中,有24例通过保守疗法治愈,有1例因肠梗阻而接受了外科手术修复。经内镜逆行胆管造影术治疗的30位捐献者中有24位(80%)成功进行了内视镜治疗,其余6位(20%)患者由于插管困难(N = 2),胆漏过多(N = 2)而接受了手术,或完全性胆道梗阻(N = 2)。结论:右叶移植物的供者胆道并发症发生率明显高于左叶移植物的供者。当保守疗法失败时,内窥镜治疗可有效治疗这些并发症,应尝试在手术修复前作为一线治疗。



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