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Performance of year round fodder production under on farm situations


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On farm trials were conducted at the farmers' fields consecutively for three years to evaluate the, Performance ' of "year round fodder production technology" in villages namely Algi, Garera and Sanora of Shivpuri and Datia district of Madhya Pradesh.The villages possessed the large area under irrigated cultivation and bigger herd size being reared by the farmers. The crops like Berseem, Hybrid Napier, Guinea grass and Maize performed well with different combinations in comparison to local practices. The highest average green fodder yield (900q/ ha) was obtained from Wardan with net income of Rs. 27796/ha and benefit cost ratio (1.06) while local Berseem could not compete with improved variety. Besides this Hybrid Napier (no.6) produced 454.8q, Guinea grass 277.5q green fodder yield /ha, Maize (African Tall) recorded 325q green fodder yield/ha. Thus considerable increase in green fodder yield has been noticed over local variety/practice. The large area under irrigation and bigger size of herd created the favorable environment for farmers to promote fodder production to feed the milch animals throughout the year.
机译:连续三年在农场上进行了农场试验,以评估“全年饲料生产技术”在“阿尔及尔”,“希夫普里岛的萨里拉”和“喜达屋中央邦”的村庄中的“全年饲料生产技术”的绩效。农民耕种的水耕面积较大的牛群。与当地做法相比,像Berseem,Napier杂种,几内亚草和玉米这样的农作物在不同的组合下表现良好。最高的绿色饲料平均产量(900q / ha)来自Wardan,净收入为Rs。 27796 /公顷和收益成本比(1.06),而当地的Berseem无法与改良品种竞争。除此杂种纳皮尔(No.6)的产量为454.8q / hm2,几内亚草的绿色饲料的产量为277.5q / ha,玉米(非洲高大)的325q绿色的饲料产量/ ha。因此,已经注意到,相对于当地品种/实践,绿色饲料的产量显着增加。灌溉面积大,畜群规模大,为农民全年促进饲料生产和饲喂牲畜创造了良好的环境。



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