首页> 外文期刊>Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte >Crystal structure of kapitsaite- (Y), a new borosilicate isotypic with hyalotekite - Crystal chemistry of the related isomorphous series

Crystal structure of kapitsaite- (Y), a new borosilicate isotypic with hyalotekite - Crystal chemistry of the related isomorphous series


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Kapitsaite- (Y), (Ba,K,Pb~(2+) ,Na)_4(Y,Ca,REE)_2[Si_8B_2(B, Si)_2O_(28)F], is the Y dominant equivalent of hyalotekite and occurs in peralkaline pegmatites of the Dara-i-Pioz alkaline massif, Tajikistan. The crystal structure of kapitsaite-(Y) has been refined from single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction data [MoK#alpha# radia-tion; a = 11.181(4), b = 10.850(7), c = 10.252(4) A, x = 90.64(6), 13 = 90.05(4), y= 89.97(7) deg, V 1,243.6(9)A~3, Z = 2; space group I1]. Kapitsaite-(Y) is isotypic with hyalotekite but with substantial differences in the cation composition: (i) Y (+REE) dominates over Ca in the [81-coordinated M site; (ii) Ba is nearly the only cation filling two split sites; (iii) B fills fully a tetrahedral site and 85 percent of a second site. The structure of hyalotekite has been described as a low-temperature/low-symmetry derivative stabilized by a stereoactive lone-pair effect of Pb~(2+), but the occurrence of the same structure in kapitsaite-(Y), which has a very low content of Pb~(2+), shows that this type of structure is independent from a lone-pair effect. Kapitsaite - (Y) and hyalotekite are members of a complex isomorphous series, which involves 5 inde-pendent crystallographic sites and at least 10 major cations (Ba, Pb~(2+), K, Na, Y, Ca, REE, Si, B, Be). In principle, other members could exist, both with reference to the content of the M site, which discriminates the two known species, and to other sites.
机译:Kapitsaite-(Y),(Ba,K,Pb〜(2+),Na)_4(Y,Ca,REE)_2 [Si_8B_2(B,Si)_2O_(28)F]是透明质石的Y占优地位并发生在塔吉克斯坦Dara-i-Pioz碱性地块的碱性碱性伟晶岩中。从单晶和粉末X射线衍射数据[MoK#alpha#辐射]中细化了钾长石(Y)的晶体结构。 a = 11.181(4),b = 10.850(7),c = 10.252(4)A,x = 90.64(6),13 = 90.05(4),y = 89.97(7)度,V 1,243.6(9)A 〜3,Z = 2;空间组I1]。 Kapitsaite-(Y)与透明质岩同型,但阳离子组成存在实质性差异:(i)Y(+ REE)在[81-配位的M位点上占主导地位。 (ii)钡几乎是填充两个分裂部位的唯一阳离子; (iii)B完全填满​​了四面体位置,并填满了第二个位置的85%。透明质岩的结构已被描述为通过Pb〜(2+)的立体孤对效应稳定的低温/低对称衍生物,但在kapitsaite-(Y)中存在相同的结构,具有Pb〜(2+)的含量极低,表明这种类型的结构与孤对效应无关。 Kapitsaite-(Y)和透明质石是一个复杂的同构系列成员,涉及5个独立的晶体学位点和至少10个主要阳离子(Ba,Pb〜(2 +),K,Na,Y,Ca,REE,Si ,B,Be)。原则上,可以存在其他成员,既可以参考区分两个已知物种的M站点的内容,也可以参考其他站点。



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