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Pregnancy and renal outcomes in lupus nephritis: An update and guide to management


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Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) commonly affects women of child bearing-age, and advances in treatment have resulted in an increasing number of women with renal involvement becoming pregnant. Knowledge of the relationship of the condition with respect to fertility and pregnancy is important for all clinicians involved in the care of women with lupus nephritis because they have complicated pregnancies. Presentation of lupus nephritis can range from mild asymptomatic proteinuria to rapidly progressive renal failure and may occur before, during, or after pregnancy. The timing of diagnosis may influence pregnancy outcome. Pregnancy may also affect the course of lupus nephritis. All pregnancies in women with lupus nephritis should be planned, preferably after more than six-months of quiescent disease. Predictors of poor obstetric outcome include active disease at conception or early pregnancy, baseline poor renal function with Creatinine >100μmol/L, proteinuria >0.5g/24 hours, presence of concurrent antiphospholipid syndrome and hypertension. In this review the most recent studies of pregnancies in women with lupus nephritis are discussed and a practical approach to managing women prepregnancy, during pregnancy and post-partum is described
机译:系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)通常会影响育龄妇女,治疗的进步已导致越来越多的肾脏受累妇女怀孕。对于所有参与狼疮性肾炎妇女护理的临床医生而言,了解病情与生育能力和妊娠之间的关系非常重要,因为她们的妊娠复杂。狼疮性肾炎的表现范围从轻度无症状蛋白尿到快速进行性肾衰竭,可能在怀孕之前,期间或之后发生。诊断的时间可能会影响妊娠结局。怀孕也可能影响狼疮性肾炎的病程。应该计划好狼疮性肾炎妇女的所有怀孕,最好是在六个月以上的静止期之后。产科预后不良的预测因素包括受孕或早孕时的活动性疾病,基线肾功能较差的肌酐>100μmol/ L,蛋白尿> 0.5g / 24小时,同时存在抗磷脂综合征和高血压。在这篇综述中,讨论了狼疮性肾炎妇女的最新妊娠研究,并描述了在怀孕期间和产后处理妇女妊娠的实用方法



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