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Comparison of the peripheral mediator background of heat injury- and plantar incision-induced drop of the noxious heat threshold in the rat


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Aims: Previously we described the drop of the noxious heat threshold in response to mild heat injury or plantar incision. While mild heat injury elicits an immediate and short-lasting thermal hyperalgesia, surgical incision leads to a delayed and sustained heat hyperalgesia. Only very few peripheral mediators of these phenomena have been identified. Therefore the present study aimed at comparing the peripheral mediator background of heat hyperalgesia evoked by mild heat injury or surgical incision.Main methods: Heat hyperalgesia was assessed by measuring the behavioural noxious heat threshold in conscious rats employing an increasing-temperature water bath.Key findings: The heat threshold drop evoked by a mild heat injury and measured 10 min afterwards was reduced by intraplantarly applied HOE 140, a bradykinin B_2 receptor antagonist, NDGA, a non-selective lipoxygenase inhibitor, L-NOARG, a non-selective nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, TNP-ATP, a P2X purinoceptor antagonist and AMG9810, an antagonist of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) receptor. The heat threshold drop evoked by plantar incision and measured 18 h later was reduced by intraplantarly applied HOE 140, [des-Arg~10]-HOE 140, a bradykinin B_1 receptor antagonist L-NOARG,TNP-ATP and the TRPV1 receptor antagonist SB-366791.Significance: Only small differences have been revealed between the examined peripheral mediators of the acute heat hyperalgesia evoked by mild heat injury and the sustained increase in heat responsiveness induced by surgical incision. The B_2 and B_1 bradykinin receptor, P2X purinoceptors, TRPV1 receptor, nitric oxide synthase and lipoxygenase(s) are involved in at least one of these hyperalgesia models.
机译:目的:先前我们描述了对轻度热损伤或足底切口反应有害热阈值的下降。尽管轻度的热损伤会引起即刻且持续的热痛觉过敏,但手术切口会导致延迟和持续的热痛觉过敏。这些现象的外围介体很少。因此,本研究旨在比较轻度热损伤或手术切口引起的热痛觉过敏的周围介质背景。主要方法:通过测量温度升高的水浴对清醒大鼠行为有害热阈值来评估热痛觉过敏。 :轻度热损伤引起的热阈值下降,此后10分钟测量,通过plant内施用HOE 140,缓激肽B_2受体拮抗剂,NDGA,非选择性脂氧合酶抑制剂,L-NOARG,非选择性一氧化氮合酶来降低抑制剂TNP-ATP(一种P2X嘌呤受体拮抗剂)和AMG9810(一种瞬时受体潜在类香草素1型(TRPV1)受体的拮抗剂)。 plant骨切口引起的热量阈值下降并在18小时后测量,通过plant骨内应用HOE 140,[des-Arg〜10] -HOE 140,缓激肽B_1受体拮抗剂L-NOARG,TNP-ATP和TRPV1受体拮抗剂SB可以降低-366791。意义:在轻度热损伤引起的急性热痛觉过敏的检查外周介质与手术切口引起的热反应持续增加之间,仅发现很小的差异。 B_2和B_1缓激肽受体,P2X嘌呤受体,TRPV1受体,一氧化氮合酶和脂氧合酶参与了这些痛觉过敏模型中的至少一种。



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