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Purine nucleotide catabolism in rat liver: labelling of uric acid and allantoin after treatment with oxonic acid and allopurinol.


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In our previous experiments on rat liver we found that 15' after intraperitoneal administration of 14C-formate the specific radioactivity of allantoin was always higher than that of uric acid. The present experiments have been carried out to interpret this unexpected result, which was only observed in liver and we studied: a) the incorporation of 14C-glycine into uric acid and allantoin; b) the effects of two competitive inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and uricase, oxonic acid and allopurinol respectively, on levels of uric acid and allantoin in liver and on their specific radioactivity after administration of labelled precursor. The results suggested: a) that under normal conditions, the formation of allantoin is so fast that it exceedes export from liver to serum, and thus the radioactivity of labelled precursors accumulates in allantoin; b) that when allopurinol or oxonic acid are administered, the rate of export exceeds that of allantoin formation and the incorporation of radioactivity into allantoin is lower; c) that not all the data, however, could be interpreted on this basis, but seems to require the existence of different pools of uric acid, which are transformed separately into allantoin.
机译:在我们先前对大鼠肝脏进行的实验中,我们发现腹膜内施用14C甲酸酯后的15'尿囊素的比放射性始终高于尿酸。已经进行了本实验以解释这种意外的结果,该结果仅在肝脏中观察到,我们研究了:a)将14C-甘氨酸掺入尿酸和尿囊素中; b)黄嘌呤氧化酶和尿酸酶的两种竞争性抑制剂,氧肟酸和别嘌呤醇分别对给药标记前体后肝脏中尿酸和尿囊素的水平及其比放射性的影响。结果表明:a)在正常条件下,尿囊素的形成速度如此之快,以至于超过了从肝脏向血清的输出,因此标记的前体的放射性在尿囊素中积累; b)当施用别嘌呤醇或氧酸时,出口速率超过尿囊素形成的速率,且放射性掺入尿囊素的比例较低; c)然而,并非所有数据都可以在此基础上进行解释,但似乎需要存在不同的尿酸库,并将其分别转化为尿囊素。



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