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Boltonia asteroides Doll's daisy, false aster


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Doil's daisy provides much-needed white color in late summer when yellows tend to dominate perennial borders and prairie gardens. It has small but abundant heads of white, asterlike flowers with yellow centers. It starts blooming in late summer and continues well into fall. The erect plant has fine-textured, narrow, gray-green leaves that are quite attractive. Doll's daisy looks best placed at the back of a large perennial border or cottage garden. It can be grown in wet or mucky soils and is good for rain gardens, but it will do just fine in most garden settings, from clay to sandy soil. It blends well with other tall, late-summer plants, such as asters, golden-rods, turtleheads, plume poppies, Joe-pye weeds and grasses. The flowers attract a widevariety of pollinating insects including butterflies, bees, wasps, flies, moths and beetles. Deer usually avoid it.



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