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Microbial contamination of noncavitated caries lesions: a scanning electron microscopic study.


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Contamination by microorganisms of active and inactive noncavitated lesions was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The sample comprised 10 active and 14 inactive smooth surface lesions and 5 sound tooth surfaces. The active lesions were obtained through an in situ model. The inactive lesions and the sound surfaces were obtained from extracted teeth. The samples were split and the two resulting halves were analyzed. The lesion areas were measured in order to compare bacterial contamination in active and inactive lesions. Microorganisms were detected within the enamel in all lesions studied (active and inactive). Sound teeth did not harbor bacteria with the exception of one half tooth where one rod was observed in the enamel. Great variation was observed in bacterial contamination in both active and inactive lesions. Microorganisms penetrated rather deeply into some active as well as into inactive lesions, reaching the dentin in 5 inactive lesions. Bacteria were present in the tubular and intertubular dentin. No difference was observed in the number of microorganisms per square millimeter in the active and inactive lesions (p > 0.05). Cocci and rods comprised 99% of the organisms, while filamentous and spiral bacteria were seldom present. Yeast-like microorganisms were found in inactive lesions. The presence of microorganisms in inactive as well as active noncavitated lesions shows that bacteria inside dental tissue (enamel and dentin) do not impede the arrestment of the caries process.
机译:通过扫描电子显微镜分析活性和非活性非空洞性病变的微生物污染。样本包括10个活动的和14个非活动的光滑表面病变和5个健全的牙齿表面。活动性病变通过原位模型获得。非活动性病变和声音表面是从拔牙获得的。分开样品,并分析两个所得的两半。测量病变区域,以便比较活动性和非活动性病变中的细菌污染。在所有研究的病变(活动和非活动)中,牙釉质中均检测到微生物。健全的牙齿没有藏匿细菌,只有一半的牙齿除外,搪瓷中只有一根牙齿。在活动性和非活动性病变中,细菌污染均存在很大差异。微生物相当深入地渗透到一些活动性和非活动性病变中,到达5个非活动性病变中的牙本质。细菌存在于肾小管和肾小管间。在活动性和非活动性病变中,每平方毫米的微生物数量均未观察到差异(p> 0.05)。球菌和杆构成了99%的生物,而丝状和螺旋状细菌很少存在。在无活性的病变中发现了酵母样微生物。处于非活动性和非空化性病变中的微生物的存在表明,牙齿组织(牙釉质和牙本质)内部的细菌不会阻碍龋齿的阻滞。



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