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Forest science becomes forest practice: Reviewing practical science to help forest owners sustainably manage their woodlands


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Nyland, R. D. 2006. Diameter-limit cutting and silviculture in northern hardwoods. Pages 16-23 in Proceedings of the Conference on Diameter-Limit Cutting in Northeastern Forests. USD A Forest Service Northeastern Research Station. General Technical Report NE-342. Available on-line at http:/rs. fs.fed.us/pubs/8045 or via an internet search for the key words "diameter limit cutting hardwoods". The practice of exploitive and unsustainable timber harvesting, variously known as high-grading, diameter-limit cutting, and selective cutting continues in eastern hardwood forests. Diameter-limit cutting, the cutting of trees larger than a threshold size, persists for a number of reasons. Some landowners and forest practitioners misjudge the difference in tree diameter as an indicator for age, and incorrectly cut the big trees to let smaller trees thrive. Even with increased sunlight, the smaller trees in a forest grow more slowly than larger trees. In other cases diameter-limit proponents assert the financial gain is better than with silvicultural practices. Finally, diameter-limit cutting is often not recognized for its negative impacts and is utilized as the easiest, and presumed harmless, path to forest management.
机译:Nyland,R. D.,2006年。《北方硬木的限界切割和造林》。东北森林直径限制切割会议论文集第16-23页。 USD森林服务东北研究站。通用技术报告NE-342。可从http:// nrs在线获取。 fs.fed.us/pubs/8045或通过互联网搜索关键字“直径极限切割硬木”。在东部的硬木森林中,采伐和不可持续的木材采伐活动被广泛称为高等级,限直径采伐和选择性采伐。直径限制采伐(大于阈值大小的树木的采伐)仍然存在,原因有很多。一些土地所有者和林业从业者错误地判断了树木直径的差异,以此作为年龄的指标,并错误地砍伐了大树,使较小的树木得以繁衍。即使阳光增加,森林中的小树也比大树生长得慢。在其他情况下,直径限制的支持者则断言其经济收益要比造林实践更好。最后,直径限制采伐通常因其负面影响而未被人们所认识,它被用作森林管理的最简单且假定无害的途径。



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