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Hypothalamic contribution to sleep-wake cycle development.


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Infant mammals cycle rapidly between sleep and wakefulness and only gradually does a more consolidated sleep pattern develop. The neural substrates responsible for this consolidation are unknown. To establish a reliable measure of sleep-wake cyclicity in infant rats, nuchal muscle tone was measured in 2-, 5-, and 8-day-old rats, as were motor behaviors associated with sleep (i.e. myoclonic twitching) and wakefulness (e.g. kicking, stretching). Sleep-wake cycles of 2-day-old rats were characterized by short periods of muscle atonia followed by equally short periods of high tone. In 8-day-olds, sleep periods lengthened significantly and disproportionately in relation to awake periods. Next, locus coeruleus (LC) lesions in 8-day-olds resulted in rapid sleep-wake cycling similar to that exhibited by 2-day-olds; in addition, LC lesions had no effect on the duration of awake periods. Finally, transections caudal, but not rostral, to the anterior hypothalamus also reinstated rapid cycling in 8-day-olds, againwithout affecting the duration of awake periods. This last finding implicates neural structures within the anterior hypothalamus (e.g. ventrolateral preoptic area) in the modulation of sleep-wake cyclicity. The temporal coherence of atonia and myoclonic twitching was not disrupted by any of the manipulations.These results suggest the presence of a bistable mesopontine circuit governing rapid sleep-wake cycling that does not include the LC and that comes increasingly under hypothalamic control during the first postnatal week. This circuit may represent a basic building block with which other sleep components become integrated during ontogeny.
机译:婴儿哺乳动物在睡眠和清醒之间快速循环,只有逐渐形成更加巩固的睡眠方式。负责这种巩固的神经底物是未知的。为了建立可靠的婴儿睡眠-睡眠周期测量指标,在2、5、8和8日龄大鼠中测量了颈肌张力,还发现了与睡眠(即肌阵挛性抽搐)和清醒(例如踢,伸展)。 2天大的大鼠的睡眠-觉醒周期的特征是短暂的肌肉肌张力减退,然后是同样短的高音调。在8天大的儿童中,睡眠时间与清醒时间相比明显延长且不成比例地延长。接下来,在8天大的儿童中,蓝斑斑点病(LC)损伤导致快速的觉醒循环,类似于2天大的儿童。此外,LC病变对清醒期的持续时间没有影响。最后,横切到尾下丘脑的尾部而不是延髓部,也恢复了8天大的孩子的快速循环,而又不影响清醒期的持续时间。最后的发现牵涉下丘脑前部(例如腹侧前视区)内的神经结构在睡眠-觉醒循环的调节中。这些操作均未破坏无力状态和肌阵挛性抽搐的时间连贯性,这些结果表明存在双稳态中脑桥动脉回路,该回路控制着不包括LC的快速睡眠-觉醒循环,并且在出生后的第一天逐渐受到下丘脑控制周。该电路可以代表基本的构建模块,在个体发育过程中其他睡眠组件可以与之集成在一起。



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