首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >GABA- and glycine-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in neonatal rat rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons in vitro.

GABA- and glycine-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in neonatal rat rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons in vitro.


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Whole-cell patch recordings were made from rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons of two in vitro preparations: (i) brainstem spinal cords of two- to five-day-old rats, and (ii) coronal brainstem slices of eight- to 12-day-old rats, and the inhibitory synaptic activities in these neurons have been studied. In brainstem spinal cord preparations, Lucifer Yellow was diffused into the recording neurons at the end of experiments. Medullary neurons were characterized as: (i) spinally projecting by the appearance of an antidromic spike following electrical stimulation of the spinal tract between T2 and T3 segments, and (ii) adrenergic by the detection of phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase immunoreactivity in Lucifer Yellow-filled neurons. Of the 13 spinally projecting and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase-positive medullary neurons, focal stimulation elicited in the presence of glutamate receptor antagonists an inhibitory postsynaptic potential in nine neurons. Inhibitory synaptic potentials were reversibly eliminated by the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (10-20 microM) in six of nine neurons, by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (0.1-1 microM) in two and by a combination of bicuculline and strychnine in one neuron. In brainstem slice preparations, focal stimulation elicited three types of synaptic potential: (i) an excitatory postsynaptic potential, (ii) an inhibitory postsynaptic potential and (iii) a biphasic synaptic potential consisting of an excitatory synaptic potential followed by an inhibitory synaptic potential. Inhibitory synaptic potentials had a reversal potential between -70 and -80 mV, reversed their polarity in a low (6.7 mM) Cl- Krebs' solution, and suppressed or blocked by either bicuculline or strychnine or both. Elimination of inhibitory synaptic potentials unmasked in some cells an excitatory synaptic potential or enhanced the excitatory synaptic potential component in medullary neurons with a biphasic response, indicating a marked convergence of excitatory and inhibitory inputs onto a single neuron. A population of medullary neurons appeared to be pacemaker neurons whereby they discharged spontaneously. When discharges were suppressed by membrane hyperpolarization, focal stimulation elicited inhibitory synaptic potentials in 8/23 neurons tested. Our results suggest that inhibitory synaptic potentials in medullary neurons are mediated by either GABA and/or glycine which open primarily Cl- channels. The prevalence of inhibitory synaptic potentials in medullary neurons indicates an essential role of inhibitory transmission in controlling the input and output ratio of these neurons.
机译:全细胞膜片记录是由两种体外制剂的延髓腹侧延髓神经元制成的:(i)两至五日龄大鼠的脑干脊髓,和(ii)八至十二天的冠状脑干切片已经研究了老年大鼠,并研究了这些神经元中的突触抑制活性。在脑干脊髓制剂中,实验结束时,路西法·黄扩散到了记录的神经元中。髓质神经元的特征是:(i)在T2和T3段之间的脊髓电刺激后出现抗峰突的脊突突出,以及(ii)通过检测Lucifer Yellow-中的苯乙醇胺-N-甲基转移酶免疫反应性而获得肾上腺素充满神经元。在13个脊髓突出的和苯乙醇胺-N-甲基转移酶阳性的髓质神经元中,在谷氨酸受体拮抗剂的存在下引起局灶性刺激,在9个神经元中具有抑制性突触后电位。在9个神经元中有6个神经元中的GABA(A)受体拮抗剂bicuculline(10-20 microM),在两个神经元中通过甘氨酸受体拮抗剂strychnine(0.1-1 microM)可逆性消除了抑制性突触电位。一个神经元。在脑干切片制剂中,局灶性刺激引起三种类型的突触电位:(i)兴奋性突触后电位,(ii)抑制性突触后电位和(iii)由兴奋性突触电位和抑制性突触电位组成的双相突触电位。抑制性突触电位的反转电位在-70至-80 mV之间,在低(6.7 mM)的Cl-Krebs溶液中反转其极性,并被双小分子或士的碱或两者抑制或阻断。消除抑制性突触电位在某些细胞中没有表现出兴奋性突触电位或增强了具有双相反应的髓样神经元中的兴奋性突触电位成分,这表明兴奋性和抑制性输入明显汇聚到单个神经元上。一群髓样神经元似乎是起搏器神经元,因此它们会自发放电。当放电被膜超极化抑制时,局部刺激会在8/23个受试神经元中产生抑制性突触电位。我们的结果表明,髓神经元中的抑制性突触电位是由主要打开Cl-通道的GABA和/或甘氨酸介导的。髓样神经元中抑制性突触电位的流行表明抑制性传递在控制这些神经元的输入和输出比率中的重要作用。



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