首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Bi-directional changes in affective state elicited by manipulation of medullary pain-modulatory circuitry.

Bi-directional changes in affective state elicited by manipulation of medullary pain-modulatory circuitry.


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The rostral ventromedial medulla contains three physiologically defined classes of pain-modulating neuron that project to the spinal and trigeminal dorsal horns. OFF cells contribute to anti-nociceptive processes, ON cells contribute to pro-nociceptive processes (i.e. hyperalgesia) and neutral cells tonically modulate spinal nociceptive responsiveness. In the setting of noxious peripheral input, the different cell classes in this region permit bi-directional modulation of pain perception (analgesia vs hyperalgesia). It is unclear, however, whether changes in the activity of these neurons are relevant to the behaving animal in the absence of a painful stimulus. Here, we pharmacologically manipulated neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla and used the place-conditioning paradigm to assess changes in the affective state of the animal. Local microinjection of the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agonist methoxamine (50.0 microg in 0.5 microl; to activate ON cells, primarily), combined with local microinjection of the kappa-opioid receptor agonist U69,593 (0.178 microg in 0.5 microl; to inhibit OFF cells), produced an increase in spinal nociceptive reactivity (i.e. hyperalgesia on the tail flick assay) and a negative affective state (as inferred from the production of conditioned place avoidance) in the conscious, freely moving rat. Additional microinjection experiments using various concentrations of methoxamine alone or U69, 593 alone revealed that the rostral ventromedial medulla is capable of eliciting a range of affective changes resulting in conditioned place avoidance, no place-conditioning effect or conditioned place preference (reflecting production of a positive affective state). Overall, however, there was no consistent relationship between place-conditioning effects and changes in spinal nociceptive reactivity. This is the first report of bi-directional changes in affective state (i.e. reward or aversion production) associated with pharmacological manipulation of a brain region traditionally associated with bi-directional pain modulation. We conclude that, in addition to its well-described pain-modulating effects, the rostral ventromedial medulla is capable of modifying animal behavior in the absence of a painful stimulus by bi-directionally influencing the animal's affective state.
机译:延髓腹侧延髓包含三种生理学定义的疼痛调节神经元,它们投射到脊髓和三叉神经背角。 OFF细胞有助于抗伤害感受过程,ON细胞有助于伤害感受过程(即痛觉过敏),而中性细胞可调节脊髓的伤害感受响应性。在有害的周围输入的情况下,该区域中的不同细胞类别允许双向调节疼痛感(镇痛与痛觉过敏)。但是,尚不清楚在没有痛苦刺激的情况下,这些神经元活动的变化是否与行为动物有关。在这里,我们用药理学方法处理了延髓腹侧延髓中的神经元,并使用了位置调节范例来评估动物的情感状态变化。局部微量注射α(1)-肾上腺素受体激动剂甲氧沙明(0.5微升中50.0微克;主要是激活ON细胞),结合κ-阿片受体激动剂U69,593的局部显微注射(0.5微升中的0.178微克;抑制OFF细胞)在有意识的,自由运动的大鼠中产生了脊髓伤害性反应性的增加(即甩尾试验中的痛觉过敏)和负性情感状态(从条件性位置避让的产生中推断)。使用单独的不同浓度的甲氧胺或单独使用U69、593进行的其他显微注射实验表明,延髓腹侧延髓能够引起一系列情感变化,从而避免条件性位置回避,没有位置性调节作用或条件性位置偏爱(反映产生阳性情感状态)。总体而言,但是,在位置调节效应和脊柱伤害性反应性变化之间没有一致的关系。这是与传统上与双向疼痛调节有关的大脑区域的药理处理相关的情感状态(即奖励或厌恶产生)的双向变化的首次报道。我们得出的结论是,除了其众所周知的疼痛调节作用外,延髓腹侧延髓还能够通过双向影响动物的情感状态而在没有疼痛刺激的情况下改变动物行为。



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