首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Atm expression patterns suggest a contribution from the peripheral nervous system to the phenotype of ataxia-telangiectasia.

Atm expression patterns suggest a contribution from the peripheral nervous system to the phenotype of ataxia-telangiectasia.


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Ataxia-telangiectasia is a human autosomal recessive disease characterized by neurodegeneration, cancer predisposition and sensitivity to ionizing radiation. One of the earliest features of this disease is ataxia, which is thought to be attributable to a progressive cerebellar degeneration associated with a disruption of Purkinje cell cytoarchitecture and positioning. To investigate the neuropathology of ataxia-telangiectasia, we used in situ hybridization to map Atm (the gene mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia) expression during mouse development. Atm expression was highest in the embryonic mouse nervous system, where it was predominantly associated with regions undergoing mitosis. During the period of Purkinje cell neurogenesis, Atm was highly expressed in the area containing Purkinje cell precursors (the ventricular zone of the fourth ventricle). However, in the postnatal cerebellum, Atm expression in Purkinje cells was very low, while expression in proliferating granule neurons was high. The only region of the adult nervous system that exhibited elevated Atm expression were the postmitotic sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia. The data suggest an early developmental requirement for ATM in the cerebellum, and other regions of the central nervous system, and a potential contribution of the dorsal root ganglia/sensory input pathway to the ataxic phenotype of ataxia-telangiectasia.
机译:共济失调毛细血管扩张症是一种人类常染色体隐性遗传疾病,其特征在于神经变性,癌症易感性和对电离辐射的敏感性。该疾病的最早特征之一是共济失调,据认为可归因于与浦肯野细胞细胞结构和定位的破坏有关的进行性小脑变性。为了研究共济失调-毛细血管扩张的神经病理学,我们在小鼠发育过程中使用原位杂交技术绘制了Atm(共济失调-毛细血管扩张中突变的基因)的表达图。 Atm表达在胚胎小鼠神经系统中最高,主要与经历有丝分裂的区域有关。在浦肯野细胞神经发生期间,Atm在包含浦肯野细胞前体的区域(第四脑室的心室区)高表达。然而,在出生后的小脑中,浦肯野细胞中的Atm表达非常低,而正在增殖的颗粒神经元中的表达却很高。成人神经系统中唯一显示Atm表达升高的区域是背根神经节的有丝分裂后感觉神经元。数据表明小脑和中枢神经系统其他区域对ATM的早期发育要求,以及背根神经节/感觉输入途径对共济失调-毛细血管扩张的共生表型的潜在贡献。



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