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Differential expression of beta-amyloid precursor and Bcl-2 proto-oncogene proteins in the developing dog retina.


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Previous studies of rat retinas have not only provided evidence that beta-amyloid precursor (APP) and B-cell lymphoma proto-oncogene (Bcl-2) proteins are colocalized in retinal Muller glial cells, but have also indicated that common mechanisms regulate their expression in these cells (Chen, S.T., Garey, L.J., Jen, L.S., 1994. Bcl-2 proto-oncogene protein immunoreactivity in normally developing and axotomised rat retinas. Neurosci. Lett. 172, 11 14; Chen, S.T., Gentleman, S.M., Garey, L.J., Jen, L.S., 1996. Distribution of beta-amyloid precursor and B-cell lymphoma proto-oncogene proteins in the rat retina after optic nerve transection or vascular lesion. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 55, 1073-1082; Chen, S.T., Garey, L.J., Jen, L.S., 1997. Expression of beta-amyloid precursor protein immunoreactivity in the retina of the rat during normal development and after neonatal optic tract lesion. NeuroReport 8, 713-717). This investigation attempts to resolve whether or not the pattern observed in rats also applies to other higher mammalian species by examining the expression of immunoreactivity to APP and Bcl-2 in developing as well as mature dog retinas using immunocytochemical methods. Experimental results indicate that the immunoreactivity of both APP and Bcl-2 is located primarily in the inner retina, particularly in the ganglion cells and their axons in late fetal and neonatal stages. From the second postnatal week (the time of eye opening) onwards, immunoreactivity to APP, but not Bcl-2, is localized primarily in the endfeet and proximal part of the radial process of retinal Muller glial cells. Although the findings show both APP and Bcl-2 are expressed in ganglion cells and their processes suggest that the molecules have a role in the differentiation of neurons in the central nervous tissue, the lack of Bcl-2 in the Muller glial cells in dog retinas further suggests that the two molecules may have different biological roles with respect to glial function.
机译:先前对大鼠视网膜的研究不仅提供了证据,证明β-淀粉样蛋白前体(APP)和B细胞淋巴瘤原癌基因(Bcl-2)蛋白在视网膜Muller神经胶质细胞中共定位,而且还表明了共同的机制可以调节其表达在这些细胞中(Chen,ST,Garey,LJ,Jen,LS,1994. Bcl-2原癌基因蛋白免疫反应性在正常发育和缺氧的大鼠视网膜中。Neurosci。Lett。172,11 14; Chen,ST,Gentleman,SM ,Garey,LJ,Jen,LS,1996.视神经横断或血管病变后,大鼠视网膜中β-淀粉样前体和B细胞淋巴瘤原癌基因蛋白的分布。J. Neuropathol。Exp。Neurol。55,1073- 1082; Chen,ST,Garey,LJ,Jen,LS,1997。在正常发育过程中和新生儿视神经病变后,β-淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白免疫反应性在大鼠视网膜中的表达(NeuroReport 8,713-717)。这项研究试图通过使用免疫细胞化学方法检查发育和成熟犬视网膜中对APP和Bcl-2的免疫反应性表达,来解决在大鼠中观察到的模式是否也适用于其他高等哺乳动物物种的问题。实验结果表明,APP和Bcl-2的免疫反应性主要位于内视网膜,尤其是在胎儿和新生儿晚期的神经节细胞及其轴突中。从产后第二周(睁眼的时间)开始,对APP而非Bcl-2的免疫反应主要定位在视网膜Muller神经胶质细胞cells突的末端和近端。尽管发现表明APP和Bcl-2均在神经节细胞中表达,其过程表明该分子在中枢神经组织神经元的分化中起作用,但在犬视网膜的穆勒神经胶质细胞中缺乏Bcl-2进一步表明,这两种分子在神经胶质功能方面可能具有不同的生物学作用。



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