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Visual working memory as visual attention sustained internally over time.


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Visual working memory and visual attention are intimately related, such that working memory encoding and maintenance reflects actively sustained attention to a limited number of visual objects and events important for ongoing cognition and action. Although attention is typically considered to operate over perceptual input, a recent taxonomy proposes to additionally consider how attention can be directed to internal perceptual representations in the absence of sensory input, as well as other internal memories, choices, and thoughts (Chun, Golomb, & Turk-Browne, 2011). Such internal attention enables prolonged binding of features into integrated objects, along with enhancement of relevant sensory mechanisms. These processes are all limited in capacity, although different types of working memory and attention, such as spatial vs. object processing, operate independently with separate capacity. Overall, the success of maintenance depends on the ability to inhibit both external (perceptual) and internal (cognitive) distraction. Working memory is the interface by which attentional mechanisms select and actively maintain relevant perceptual information from the external world as internal representations within the mind.
机译:视觉工作记忆和视觉注意力密切相关,因此,工作记忆的编码和维护反映出对持续不断的认知和行动重要的有限数量的视觉对象和事件的积极持续关注。尽管通常将注意力放在感知输入之上,但最近的分类法提出,应另外考虑在没有感官输入以及其他内部记忆,选择和思想的情况下如何将注意力转移到内部感知表示上(Chun,Golomb, &Turk-Browne,2011年)。这种内在的关注使得可以将特征长期绑定到集成的对象中,同时增强相关的感觉机制。尽管不同类型的工作记忆和注意力(例如空间处理与对象处理)以单独的容量独立运行,但是这些过程的容量都受到限制。总体而言,维持成功与否取决于抑制外部(感知)和内部(认知)干扰的能力。工作记忆是介意机制用来选择和积极维护来自外部世界的相关知觉信息的接口,作为大脑内部的内部表示。



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