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Dynamic emotion perception and prior expectancy


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Social interactions require the ability to rapidly perceive emotion from various incoming dynamic, multisensory cues. Prior expectations reduce incoming emotional information and direct attention to cues that are aligned with what is expected. Studies to date have investigated the prior expectancy effect using static emotional images, despite the fact that dynamic stimuli would represent greater ecological validity. The objective of the study was to create a novel functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm to examine the influence of prior expectations on naturalistic emotion perception. For this purpose, we developed a dynamic emotion perception task, which consisted of audio-visual videos that carry emotional information congruent or incongruent with prior expectations. The results show that emotional congruency was associated with activity in prefrontal regions, amygdala, and putamen, whereas emotional incongruency was associated with activity in temporoparietal junction and midcingulate gyrus. Supported by the behavioural results, our findings suggest that prior expectations are reinforced after repeated experience and learning, whereas unexpected emotions may rely on fast change detection processes. The results from the current study are compatible with the notion that the ability to automatically detect unexpected changes in complex dynamic environments allows for adaptive behaviours in potentially advantageous or threatening situations. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:社交互动需要具有从各种传入的动态多感官提示中快速感知情感的能力。先前的期望会减少传入的情绪信息,并直接注意与期望相符的线索。迄今为止,尽管动态刺激将代表更大的生态有效性,但迄今为止的研究已经使用静态情感图像研究了预期的效果。这项研究的目的是创建一种新颖的功能磁共振成像(fMRI)范例,以检查先前期望对自然主义情绪感知的影响。为此,我们开发了动态情感感知任务,该任务由视听视频组成,这些视频承载了与先前期望一致或不一致的情感信息。结果表明,情绪一致性与额叶前额区,杏仁核和壳状核中的活动有关,而情绪不一致与颞顶结和中齿回中的活动有关。在行为结果的支持下,我们的发现表明,经过反复的经验和学习,先前的期望得到了增强,而意外的情绪可能依赖于快速的变化检测过程。当前研究的结果与以下观念相兼容:在复杂动态环境中自动检测意外变化的能力允许在潜在有利或威胁情况下采取自适应行为。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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