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The plasticity of the mirror system: How reward learning modulates cortical motor simulation of others


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Cortical motor simulation supports the understanding of others' actions and intentions. This mechanism is thought to rely on the mirror neuron system (MNS), a brain network that is active both during action execution and observation. Indirect evidence suggests that (alpha/beta) mu suppression, an electro-encephalographic (EEG) index of MNS activity, is modulated by reward. In this study we aimed to test the plasticity of the MNS by directly investigating the link between (alpha/beta) mu suppression and reward. 40 individuals from a general population sample took part in an evaluative conditioning experiment, where different neutral faces were associated with high or low reward values. In the test phase, EEG was recorded while participants viewed videoclips of happy expressions made by the conditioned faces. Alpha/beta mu suppression (identified using event-related desynchronisation of specific independent components) in response to rewarding faces was found to be greater than for non-rewarding faces. This result provides a mechanistic insight into the plasticity of the MNS and, more generally, into the role of reward in modulating physiological responses linked to empathy. Crown Copyright (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
机译:皮质运动仿真有助于理解他人的动作和意图。人们认为这种机制依赖于镜像神经元系统(MNS),后者是在动作执行和观察期间均活跃的大脑网络。间接证据表明(α/β)mu抑制是MNS活动的脑电图(EEG)指数,受奖励调节。在这项研究中,我们旨在通过直接研究(alpha / beta)mu抑制与奖励之间的联系来测试MNS的可塑性。来自一般人群样本的40个人参加了评估条件实验,其中不同的中性面孔与高或低奖励值相关。在测试阶段,记录了EEG,而参与者则观看了经过条件处理的面孔所表达的开心表情的视频剪辑。发现对奖励面孔的响应的Alpha /βmu抑制(使用特定独立组件的事件相关去同步来识别)要比非奖励面孔大。该结果为MNS的可塑性提供了一种机械的见解,更普遍地,它为奖励在调节与移情相关的生理反应中的作用提供了见解。 Crown版权所有(C)2015,由Elsevier Ltd.发行。这是CC BY-NC-ND许可(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)上的一种开放获取的文章。



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