首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >Holistic perception of the individual face is specific and necessary: evidence from an extensive case study of acquired prosopagnosia.

Holistic perception of the individual face is specific and necessary: evidence from an extensive case study of acquired prosopagnosia.


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We present an extensive investigation (24 experiments) of a new case of prosopagnosia following right unilateral damage, GG, with the aim of addressing two classical issues: (1) Can a visual recognition impairment truly be specific to faces? (2) What is the nature of acquired prosopagnosia? We show that GG recognizes nonface objects perfectly and quickly, even when it requires fine-grained analysis to individualize these objects. He is also capable of perceiving objects and faces as integrated wholes, as indicated by normal Navon effect, 3D-figures perception and perception of Mooney and Arcimboldo face stimuli. However, the patient could not perceive individual faces holistically, showing no inversion, composite, or whole-part advantage effects for faces. We conclude that an occipito-temporal right hemisphere lesion may lead to a specific impairment of holistic perception of individual items, a function that appears critical for normal face recognition but not for object recognition.
机译:为了解决两个经典问题,我们针对右单侧损伤GG引起的一例闭经新病例进行了广泛的调查(24个实验),目的是解决以下两个经典问题:(1)视觉识别障碍真的可以特定于面部吗? (2)获得性前列腺炎的本质是什么?我们表明,即使需要细粒度的分析来个性化这些对象,GG仍可以完美,快速地识别出非面部对象。他还能够将物体和面部感知为整体,如正常的纳文效应,3D图形感知以及Mooney和Arcimboldo面部刺激感知所表明的那样。但是,患者无法整体地感知单个面孔,对面孔没有任何反转,综合或整体优势的影响。我们得出的结论是,枕颞右半球病变可能导致个别物品的整体感知能力的特定损害,该功能对于正常人脸识别至关重要,但对物体识别却不重要。



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