首页> 外文期刊>NeuroImage >Chronic smoking and the BOLD response to a visual activation task and a breath hold task in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls.

Chronic smoking and the BOLD response to a visual activation task and a breath hold task in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls.


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Many psychiatric patient groups smoke heavily, but little is known regarding the effects of this habit on functional brain imaging results. The present report assesses the effect of chronic smoking on the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) response to a simple visual activation (VA) task and a breath hold (BH) task in patients with schizophrenia. Eight healthy controls and twelve patients with schizophrenia were studied. Half of each group had never smoked and the other half of each group had smoked for more than 10 pack years. Responses to the VA task were assessed in the visual cortex and responses to the BH task were assessed in gray matter generally. There were four fMRI-dependent measures: (1) median percent signal change; (2) activation volume (in voxels); (3) time-to-peak of the impulse response function (IRF); and (4) time-to-trough of the IRF. All measures were tested as dependent variables in an ANCOVA with diagnosis and smoking status as crossed factors and age as a covariate. Heavy smokershad 22% larger percent signal change for the VA task and 50% larger percent signal change for the BH task. Patients had a 40% larger percent signal change for the breath hold task. Other statistically significant effects of smoking history on activation volume and the timing of the brain responses were noted. If replicated, the results may have important implications for fMRI studies comparing groups with markedly different smoking habits, such as studies comparing patients with schizophrenia, 60-90% of whom smoke, and healthy controls, who smoke with a much lower frequency.
机译:许多精神病患者群体吸烟严重,但关于这种习惯对功能性脑成像结果的影响知之甚少。本报告评估了慢性吸烟对精神分裂症患者对简单视觉激活(VA)任务和屏气(BH)任务的血氧水平依赖性(BOLD)反应的影响。研究了八名健康对照者和十二名精神分裂症患者。每组中有一半从未吸烟,另一组中有一半吸烟超过10年。通常在视觉皮层中评估对VA任务的反应,而在灰质中评估对BH任务的反应。有四种依赖于fMRI的测量:(1)信号变化的中值百分比; (2)激活量(体素); (3)脉冲响应函数(IRF)的峰值时间; (4)IRF达到谷底的时间。所有测量均作为ANCOVA中的因变量进行测试,诊断和吸烟状况作为交叉因素,而年龄作为协变量。对于VA任务,重度吸烟者的信号变化百分比增加22%,对于BH任务,重度吸烟者的信号变化百分比增加50%。患者屏住呼吸的信号变化百分比大40%。注意到吸烟史对激活量和大脑反应时间的其他统计学显着影响。如果复制,结果可能对比较吸烟习惯明显不同的人群的fMRI研究具有重要意义,例如比较精神分裂症患者(吸烟率为60-90%)和健康对照者(吸烟频率较低)的研究。



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