首页> 外文期刊>Neuron >Atypical Visual Saliency in Autism Spectrum Disorder Quantified through Model-Based Eye Tracking

Atypical Visual Saliency in Autism Spectrum Disorder Quantified through Model-Based Eye Tracking


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The social difficulties that are a hallmark of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are thought to arise, at least in part, from atypical attention toward stimuli and their features. To investigate this hypothesis comprehensively, we characterized 700 complex natural scene images with a novel three-layered saliency model that incorporated pixel-level (e.g., contrast), object-level (e.g., shape), and semantic-level attributes (e.g., faces) on 5,551 annotated objects. Compared with matched controls, people with ASD had a stronger image center bias regardless of object distribution, reduced saliency for faces and for locations indicated by social gaze, and yet a general increase in pixel-level saliency at the expense of semantic-level saliency. These results were further corroborated by direct analysis of fixation characteristics and investigation of feature interactions. Our results for the first time quantify atypical visual attention in ASD across multiple levels and categories of objects.
机译:人们认为,自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的标志性社会困难至少部分是由于人们对刺激及其特征的非典型关注所致。为了全面研究该假设,我们使用新颖的三层显着性模型(包括像素级(例如,对比度),对象级(例如,形状)和语义级属性(例如,面孔))对700个复杂的自然场景图像进行了特征描述。 )在5,551个带注释的对象上。与匹配的控件相比,患有ASD的人无论对象分布如何都具有更强的图像中心偏见,对面部和社交注视所指示的位置的显着性降低,并且像素级显着性普遍提高,但以语义级显着性为代价。这些结果通过对固定特性的直接分析和特征相互作用的研究得到进一步证实。我们的结果首次量化了ASD中跨多个级别和类别的对象的非典型视觉注意力。



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