首页> 外文期刊>Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology: A Journal of Imaging in Diagnosis and Treatment >Replacement of mushroom cage gastrostomy tube using a modified technique to allow percutaneous replacement with an endoscopic tube in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Replacement of mushroom cage gastrostomy tube using a modified technique to allow percutaneous replacement with an endoscopic tube in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


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Radiologic inserted gastrostomy (RIG) is the preferred method in our institution for enteral feeding in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Skin-level primary-placed mushroom cage gastrostomy tubes become tight with weight gain. We describe a minimally invasive radiologic technique for replacing mushroom gastrostomy tubes with endoscopic mushroom cage tubes in ALS. All patients with ALS who underwent replacement of a RIG tube were included. Patients were selected for a modified replacement when the tube length of the primary placed RIG tube was insufficient to allow like-for-like replacement. Replacement was performed under local anesthetic and fluoroscopic guidance according to a preset technique, with modification of an endoscopic mushroom cage gastrostomy tube to allow percutaneous placement. Assessment of the success, safety, and durability of the modified technique was undertaken. Over a 60-month period, 104 primary placement mushroom cage tubes in ALS were performed. A total of 20 (19.2%) of 104 patients had a replacement tube positioned, 10 (9.6%) of 104 with the modified technique (male n = 4, female n = 6, mean age 65.5 years, range 48-85 years). All tubes were successfully replaced using this modified technique, with two minor complications (superficial wound infection and minor hemorrhage). The mean length of time of tube durability was 158.5 days (range 6-471 days), with all but one patient dying with a functional tube in place. We have devised a modification to allow percutaneous replacement of mushroom cage gastrostomy feeding tubes with minimal compromise to ALS patients. This technique allows tube replacement under local anesthetic, without the need for sedation, an important consideration in ALS.
机译:放射插入胃造口术(RIG)是我们机构在肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)肠内喂养的首选方法。皮肤水平的原始放置的蘑菇笼胃造口术管随着体重增加而变紧。我们描述了一种微创放射技术,用于用ALS内窥镜蘑菇笼管代替蘑菇胃造口管。包括所有接受RIG管置换的ALS患者。当主要放置的RIG管的管长不足以进行同类替换时,选择患者进行改良置换。根据预设的技术,在局麻药和荧光镜的指导下进行置换,并改良内窥镜蘑菇笼胃造口术管,以允许经皮放置。对改进技术的成功性,安全性和耐久性进行了评估。在60个月内,在ALS中进行了104例初次放置的蘑菇笼管。 104例患者中,共有20例(19.2%)进行了替换管定位,采用改良技术的104例患者中有10例(9.6%)(男n = 4,女n = 6,平均年龄65.5岁,范围48-85岁) 。使用这种改良技术成功地更换了所有试管,但有两个小并发症(浅表伤口感染和小出血)。管的平均耐用时间为158.5天(6-471天),除一名患者外,其余患者均死于功能性管。我们设计了一种修改方法,允许经皮置换蘑菇笼胃造口术饲管,而对ALS患者的危害最小。该技术允许在局部麻醉下进行管置换,而无需镇静,这是ALS的重要考虑因素。



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