首页> 外文期刊>Neuromodulation: journal of the International Neuromodulation Society >FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Centers of Excellence for Neuromodulation: A Critical Proposal

FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Centers of Excellence for Neuromodulation: A Critical Proposal


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As a field, we have struggled with methods to increase the efficacy of our procedures, decrease their risks, and improve patient outcomes. By doing so, we further legitimize our field, improve patient satisfaction, and demonstrate the cost-effectiveness that is necessary to drive reimbursement and thus patient access to neuromodulation procedures. One important way to improve results in our specialty is to ensure that neuromodulation practitioners have, indeed, practiced, and practiced quite a lot. In his book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell points to the correlation between the level of practice and excellence. "The idea that excellence at performing a complex task requires a critical minimum level of practice surfaces again and again in studies of expertise. In fact, researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours" (1). Although Gladwell discusses excellence in sports, music, and computer science, this correlation appears to hold for virtually any discipline. He quotes Daniel Levitin, a neuroscientist whose research focuses on the development of excellence/The emerging pictures from such studies is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert—in anything" (2).
机译:作为一个领域,我们一直在努力提高手术效率,降低风险和改善患者预后的方法。通过这样做,我们进一步使我们的领域合法化,提高患者满意度,并证明了推动报销并因此使患者能够使用神经调节程序所必需的成本效益。改善我们专业成绩的一种重要方法是确保神经调节从业人员确实已经实践并实践了很多。 Malcolm Gladwell在他的书《离群值》中指出了实践水平与卓越水平之间的相关性。 “在执行一项复杂任务时要精益求精,这要求在实践中反复研究的最低要求是最低水平。事实上,研究人员已经确定了他们认为真正专业知识的神奇数字:一万小时”(1 )。尽管Gladwell讨论了体育,音乐和计算机科学领域的卓越成就,但这种关联似乎适用于任何学科。他引用了神经科学家Daniel Levitin的研究,他的研究重点是卓越的发展/从这些研究中得出的新图景是,需要一万小时的练习才能达到与成为世界一流专家有关的精通水平-在任何情况下”( 2)。



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