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Association between alcohol intake and domain-specific cognitive function in older women.


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Moderate levels of alcohol intake may be associated with better cognitive function; however, this relationship may vary between cognitive domains. Women, aged 65-80 years, enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) randomized clinical trials of hormone therapy, underwent annual standardized testing for global cognitive function through the ancillary WHI Memory Study (average follow-up of 4.5 years) and domain-specific cognitive function through the WHI Study of Cognitive Aging (average follow-up of 1.7 years). Compared to nondrinkers, women reporting moderate levels of alcohol intake (or=1 drink/day by 5.7% for verbal knowledge (p < 0.001) and by 5.7% for phonemic fluency (p = 0.004), compared to never-drinkers. Moderate levels of alcohol intake are associated with somewhat better cognition, which may be expressed most strongly in functions related to verbal knowledge and phonemic fluency. However, our observational study cannot rule out confounding associations with unmeasured factors.
机译:适度饮酒可能与更好的认知功能有关。但是,这种关系在认知领域之间可能有所不同。年龄在65-80岁之间的妇女参加了妇女健康倡议(WHI)的激素治疗随机临床试验,并通过辅助WHI记忆研究(平均随访4.5年)对全球认知功能进行了年度标准化测试(范围为4.5年)通过WHI认知衰老研究(平均随访1.7年)了解特定的认知功能。与不喝酒的人相比,在总体认知功能方面,报告中度饮酒水平(每天少于或等于3杯酒)的女性表现更好。报告酒精摄入量的女性在语言知识,语言流利性,形象记忆,语言记忆,注意力和工作记忆以及运动速度(所有p <0.05)的测试上也表现更好(所有p <0.05),但在空间能力方面则没有(p = 0.36)。经过协变量调整后,与从未饮酒的人相比,每天饮酒≥1的女性的口头知识平均得分更高(5.7%)(p <0.001),语音流畅度平均得分更高5.7%(p = 0.004)。适度饮酒与更好的认知能力有关,在与语言知识和语音流利度有关的功能中表达最强烈。但是,我们的观察性研究不能排除混淆性因素与无法衡量的因素。



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