首页> 外文期刊>Neurochemistry International: The International Journal for the Rapid Publication of Critical Reviews, Preliminary and Original Research Communications in Neurochemistry >Reduced brain levels of DHEAS in hepatic coma patients: Significance for increased GABAergic tone in hepatic encephalopathy

Reduced brain levels of DHEAS in hepatic coma patients: Significance for increased GABAergic tone in hepatic encephalopathy


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Increased neurosteroids with allosteric modulatory activity on GABA A receptors such as 3α-5α tertrahydroprogesterone; allopregnanolone (ALLO), are candidates to explain the phenomenon of "increased GABAergic tone" in hepatic encephalopathy (HE). However, it is not known how changes of other GABA A receptor modulators such as dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) contribute to altered GABAergic tone in HE. Concentrations of DHEAS were measured by radioimmunoassay in frontal cortex samples obtained at autopsy from 11 cirrhotic patients who died in hepatic coma and from an equal number of controls matched for age, gender, and autopsy delay intervals free from hepatic or neurological diseases. To assess whether reduced brain DHEAS contributes to increased GABAergic tone, in vitro patch clamp recordings in rat prefrontal cortex neurons were performed. A significant reduction of DHEAS (5.81 ± 0.88 ng/g tissue) compared to control values (9.70 ± 0.79 ng/g, p 0.01) was found. Brain levels of DHEAS in patients with liver disease who died without HE (11.43 ± 1.74 ng/g tissue), and in a patient who died in uremic coma (12.56 ng/g tissue) were within the control range. Increasing ALLO enhances GABAergic tonic currents concentration-dependently, but increasing DHEAS reduces these currents. High concentrations of DHEAS (50 μM) reduce GABAergic tonic currents in the presence of ALLO, whereas reduced concentrations of DHEAS (1 μM) further stimulate these currents. These findings demonstrate that decreased concentrations of DHEAS together with increased brain concentrations of ALLO increase GABAergic tonic currents synergistically; suggesting that reduced brain DHEAS could further increase GABAergic tone in human HE.
机译:对GABA A受体(例如3α-5α四氢孕激素)具有变构调节活性的神经甾类增加; allopregnanolone(ALLO)是解释肝性脑病(HE)中“ GABA能调升高”现象的候选药物。但是,尚不清楚其他GABA A受体调节剂(如硫酸脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐(DHEAS))的变化如何导致HE中GABA能级改变。通过放射免疫测定法对11例肝昏迷死亡的肝硬化患者以及从年龄,性别和无肝或神经系统疾病的尸检延迟间隔匹配的对照中进行尸检得到的额叶皮层样品中,通过放射免疫分析法测定DHEAS的浓度。为了评估减少的脑DHEAS是否有助于增加GABA能音,在大鼠前额叶皮层神经元中进行了体外膜片钳记录。与对照值(9.70±0.79 ng / g,p <0.01)相比,DHEAS显着降低(5.81±0.88 ng / g组织)。在没有HE的情况下死亡的肝病患者(11.43±1.74 ng / g组织)和在尿毒症昏迷中死亡的患者(12.56 ng / g组织)的DHEAS脑水平在控制范围之内。增加的ALLO可以浓度依赖性地提高GABA能的滋补电流,但是增加的DHEAS可以降低这些电流。在ALLO存在下,高浓度的DHEAS(50μM)会降低GABA能的滋补电流,而降低的DHEAS(1μM)的浓度会进一步刺激这些电流。这些发现表明,DHEAS浓度的降低以及脑中ALLO浓度的升高协同增加了GABA能的补品电流。提示减少的脑DHEAS可以进一步增加人类HE中的GABA能音。



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