首页> 外文期刊>Neurourology and urodynamics. >Conditional stimulatzion of the dorsal penile/clitoral nerve may increase cystometric capacity in patients with spinal cord injury.

Conditional stimulatzion of the dorsal penile/clitoral nerve may increase cystometric capacity in patients with spinal cord injury.


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AIMS: To investigate the feasibility of conditional short duration electrical stimulation of the penile/clitoral nerve as treatment for detrusor hyperreflexia, the present study was initiated. METHODS: Ten patients with spinal cord injury, 4 women and 6 men, with lesions at different levels above the sacral micturition center had a standard cystometry performed. During a subsequent cystometry, conditional short duration electrical stimulation of the penile/clitoral nerve was performed as treatment for one or more detrusor hyperreflexic contractions. RESUTS: In all patients, at least one contraction (mean, 7.8; range, 1-16 contractions) was inhibited by the stimulations. The mean cystometric capacity was increased significantly by conditional electrical stimulation, from 210 mL in the control cystometries to 349 mL in the stimulation cystometries (P=0.016). The maximal detrusor pressure during the first contraction in the control cystometries was mean 51 cm H(2)O, whereas the maximal pressure of the first contraction in the stimulation cystometries was reduced to mean 33 cm H(2)O (P=0.045). CONCLUSIONS: The authors conclude that repeated conditional short duration electrical stimulation significantly increased cystometric capacity in patients with spinal cord injury. The increase was caused mainly by an inhibition of detrusor contractions. The need for a reliable technique for chronic bladder activity monitoring is emphasized, as it is a prerequisite for clinical application of this treatment modality. Neurourol. Urodynam. 22:130-137, 2003.
机译:目的:为了研究有条件的短期电刺激阴茎/周围神经作为治疗逼尿肌反射亢进的可行性,本研究开始了。方法:对10例脊髓损伤患者(4名女性和6名男性)进行了标准的膀胱测压术,这些患者在骨排尿中心上方有不同程度的病变。在随后的膀胱测压中,对阴茎/胃神经进行有条件的短时电刺激作为一种或多种逼尿肌反射亢进的治疗。结果:在所有患者中,刺激均抑制了至少一次收缩(平均7.8;范围1-16收缩)。有条件的电刺激使平均膀胱测压能力显着增加,从对照膀胱测压仪的210 mL增加到刺激膀胱测压仪的349 mL(P = 0.016)。在控制性膀胱扩张术中,第一次收缩的最大逼尿肌压力为平均51 cm H(2)O,而在刺激性膀胱扩张术中,第一次收缩的最大压力降低为平均33 cm H(2)O(P = 0.045) 。结论:作者得出结论,反复条件性短期电刺激可显着提高脊髓损伤患者的膀胱测压能力。增加主要是由于抑制逼尿肌收缩所致。强调了对可靠的慢性膀胱活动监测技术的需求,因为这是该治疗方式临床应用的前提。神经尿素。 Urodynam。 22:130-137,2003年。



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