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Early use of anti-TNF agents might give a helping hand to paediatric patients with Crohn's disease


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Initial decisions concerning the early treatment of paediatric patients with Crohn's disease are of crucial importance, both to promote the best possible quality of life in these patients and to limit any potential drug-related effects on their subsequent growth development. "If we knew who was likely to do poorly and who was likely to do well at diagnosis, it would certainly help to direct our therapies," states Jeffrey Hyams, corresponding author of a new study investigating this issue, now published in Gastroenterology.Immunomodulators (most commonly thiopurines) are the traditional early treatment for patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease. However, whether these agents alter the natural history of the disease or affect children's growth potential remains unclear. The development of anti-TNF agents was an important advance in the medical management of paediatric Crohn's disease, yet the optimal position of these agents in therapeutic algorithms for paediatric patients is still poorly defined.
机译:有关克罗恩氏病小儿患者早期治疗的初步决定至关重要,既要提高这些患者的最佳生活质量,又要限制对他们随后生长发育的任何潜在药物相关影响。 “如果我们知道谁可能做得不好,谁可能做得好,肯定会有助于指导我们的疗法,”研究这个问题的新研究的相应作者杰弗里·海姆斯说,他现在发表在胃肠病学杂志上。 (最常见的是硫嘌呤)是中重度克罗恩病患者的传统早期治疗方法。但是,这些药物是否会改变疾病的自然史或影响儿童的生长潜力尚不清楚。抗TNF药物的开发是小儿克罗恩病医疗管理的重要进展,然而,这些药物在小儿患者治疗算法中的最佳位置仍未明确。



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