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Regulation of cortisol bioavailability - Effects on hormone measurement and action


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Routine assessment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis relies on the measurement of total serum cortisol levels. However, most cortisol in serum is bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) and albumin, and changes in the structure or circulating levels of binding proteins markedly affect measured total serum cortisol levels. Furthermore, high-affinity binding to CBG is predicted to affect the availability of cortisol for the glucocorticoid receptor. CBG is a substrate for activated neutrophil elastase, which cleaves the binding protein and results in the release of cortisol at sites of inflammation, enhancing its tissue-specific anti-inflammatory effects. Further tissue-specific modulation of cortisol availability is conferred by corticosteroid 11β-dehydrogenase. Direct assessment of tissue levels of bioavailable cortisol is not clinically practicable and measurement of total serum cortisol levels is of limited value in clinical conditions that alter prereceptor glucocorticoid bioavailability. Bioavailable cortisol can, however, be measured indirectly at systemic, extracellular tissue and cell levels, using novel techniques that have provided new insight into the transport, metabolism and biological action of glucocorticoids. A more physiologically informative approach is, therefore, now possible in the assessment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which could prove useful in clinical practice.
机译:下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的常规评估取决于总血清皮质醇水平的测量。但是,血清中的大多数皮质醇与皮质类固醇结合球蛋白(CBG)和白蛋白结合,并且结合蛋白的结构或循环水平的变化显着影响所测血清总皮质醇水平。此外,预计与CBG的高亲和力结合会影响糖皮质激素受体的皮质醇利用率。 CBG是活化的嗜中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶的底物,可裂解结合蛋白并导致炎症部位释放皮质醇,从而增强其组织特异性抗炎作用。皮质类固醇11β-脱氢酶赋予了皮质醇可利用性进一步的组织特异性调节。对生物可利用皮质醇的组织水平进行直接评估在临床上是不可行的,并且在改变受体糖皮质激素的生物利用度的临床条件下,总血清皮质醇水平的测量价值有限。但是,可以使用新颖的技术对糖皮质激素的转运,代谢和生物学作用提供新的见解,从而在全身,细胞外组织和细胞水平上间接测量生物利用皮质醇。因此,现在有可能在评估下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴方面提供一种更具生理学意义的方法,这可能在临床实践中很有用。



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