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Nanoscale domain engineering and characterization of ferroelectric domains


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Nanoscale domain engineering in ferroelectriccrystals is demonstrated down to a lateral domain size of 25 nmin diameterusing scanning force microscopy (SFM). The variousmodes of SFM are used to measure both the intermal polarizationfield and external stray field arising from bound surface chargesin ferroelectric domains. From these measurements the effectivethree-dimensional arrangement of ferroelectric domains isreconstructed. Domain switching is initiated applying strongelectric fields between the tip and counter electrode. The size offreshly nucleated domains is found to depend dramatically on theswitching conditions, i.e., the applied electric field strength andswitching time. Domains of less than 100 nm in diameter resultfor an electric field Eexp > 50kV cm-1 applied applied for an ultra-short time periodτexp<30μs. Also, the coercive field ofnanoscale ferroelectric domains in BaTiO3 single crystals isfound to measure 1.4kV cm-1,much more than the bulk value.Analysis of the transient response during domain switchingshows that domain nucleation proceeds within less than 100μs.With these tools we are able to record nanoscale hysteresis loopsmonitoring both the successful domain reversal and a wellestablished material contrast between different ferroelectricstructures with a resolution of better than 0.1%.
机译:使用扫描力显微镜(SFM)证实了铁电晶体中的纳米级畴工程可减小到直径为25 nm的横向畴尺寸。 SFM的各种模式用于测量铁电畴中结合表面电荷引起的中间极化场和外部杂散场。通过这些测量,可以重构铁电畴的有效三维排列。通过在尖端和对电极之间施加强电场来启动域切换。发现新近成核的畴的尺寸极大地取决于切换条件,即所施加的电场强度和切换时间。对于施加在超短时间段τexp<30μs的电场Eexp> 50kV cm-1的结果是直径小于100 nm的区域。另外,BaTiO3单晶中的纳米级铁电畴的矫顽场的测量值为1.4kV cm-1,远大于体值。对畴切换过程中的瞬态响应的分析表明,畴成核在不到100μs的时间内进行。能够记录纳米级磁滞回线,从而监控成功的磁畴反转和不同铁电结构之间建立良好的材料对比度,分辨率优于0.1%。



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