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Mastering matter at the nanoscale


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In the early 1980s, the development of scanning probe techniques gave scientists atitillating view of surfaces with nanometre resolution, igniting activity in researchat the nanoscale. Images at unprecedented resolution were unveiled with the aidof various types of nanosized tips, including the scanning tunnelling (Binnig G,Rohrer H, Gerber C and Weibel E 1982 Appl. Phys. Lett. 40 178-80) the atomicforce (Binnig G, Quate C F and Gerber C 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 930-3) and the near-field scanning microscopes (Dfirig U, Pohl D W and Rohner F 1986J. Appl. Phys. 59 3318-27). From the magnitude of tunnelling currents betweenconductive surfaces and van der Waals forces between dielectrics to thenon-propagating evanescent fields at illuminated surfaces, a range of signalresponses were harnessed enabling conductive, dielectric and even biologicalsystems to be imaged. But it may be argued that it was the ability to manipulatematter at the nanoscale that really empowered nanotechnology.
机译:在1980年代初期,扫描探针技术的发展为科学家提供了具有纳米分辨率的迷人表面视野,并激发了纳米级研究的活力。借助各种类型的纳米级尖端,揭示了前所未有的分辨率的图像,包括扫描隧道效应(Binnig G,Rohrer H,Gerber C和Weibel E 1982 Appl。Phys.Lett。40 178-80)原子力(Binnig G,Quate) CF和Gerber C 1986 Phys。Rev. Lett。56 930-3)和近场扫描显微镜(Dfirig U,Pohl DW和Rohner F 1986J。Appl。Phys。59 3318-27)。从导电表面之间的隧穿电流的大小以及电介质之间的范德华力到被照明表面的非传播渐逝场,可以利用一系列信号响应,从而使导电,电介质甚至生物系统成像。但可能有人争辩说,真正在纳米技术上发挥作用的是在纳米尺度上操纵物质的能力。



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