首页> 外文期刊>Mountain Research & Development >The Role of Montane Forests for Indigenous Dongba Papermaking in the Naxi Highlands of Northwest Yunnan, China

The Role of Montane Forests for Indigenous Dongba Papermaking in the Naxi Highlands of Northwest Yunnan, China


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China's rapid economic development is influencing cultural practices and natural resource management in indigenous mountain communities throughout the country. Numerous studies have documented loss and change of cultural practices and environmental degradation in indigenous communities with the expansion of roads, markets, tourism, and other infrastructure development. The present study focuses on papermaking, a socioecological practice that began in China, as a case study to examine the influence of development on cultural practices and natural resource management. The Naxi are an indigenous people who primarily inhabit the mountains of the eastern Himalaya in China's northwest Yunnan province. The Naxi people are unique in that they have the last remaining pictographic writing system in the world. The Naxi pictographic script is customarily learned and mastered by shaman priests known as Dongba (Dto'mba) who transmit their knowledge to their sons. Approximately 300,000 Naxi live in this area. The pictographic system is transmitted on paper sourced from montane forest resources, primarily Wisktroemia delavayi. This cultural tradition almost disappeared during the Cultural Revolution in China during the 1960s and 1970s but has recently seen a revival. Research involved both ethnographic interviews and ecological sampling. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 100 informants between 2002-2011 to understand the management and use of W. delavayi for Dongba papermaking and the impact of market integration on papermaking. Sample plots were surveyed for floristic composition and structure in the 3 vegetation types where W. delavayi grows. Density, height, diameter, and number of branches of W. delavayi plants were recorded within each plot. Ecological importance values were calculated based on relative density, relative dominance, and relative frequency to determine the habitat where W. delavayi demonstrates the greatest growth. Additional plots were surveyed to understand the regeneration of W. delavayi after the local harvest cycle.
机译:中国的快速经济发展正在影响全国土著山区社区的文化习俗和自然资源管理。随着道路,市场,旅游业和其他基础设施建设的扩大,许多研究记录了土著社区文化习俗的丧失和变化以及环境退化。本研究的重点是造纸,这是一个始于中国的社会生态实践,是研究发展对文化实践和自然资源管理的影响的案例研究。纳西族是土著居民,主要居住在中国西北云南省喜马拉雅山脉东部。纳西族人的独特之处在于,他们拥有世界上最后的象形文字书写系统。纳西族象形文字通常由萨满祭司东巴(Dto'mba)学习和掌握,他们将知识传授给儿子。该地区约有30万名纳西族人。象形文字系统是从山地森林资源(主要是Wisktroemia delavayi)获得的纸张上传输的。这种文化传统在1960年代和1970年代的中国文化大革命期间几乎消失了,但最近又有所复兴。研究涉及人种学访谈和生态采样。在2002年至2011年期间,对100名线人进行了半结构化访谈,以了解W. delavayi在东巴造纸中的管理和使用以及市场一体化对造纸的影响。调查了样地中W. delavayi生长的3种植被类型的植物区系组成和结构。在每个样地中记录了W. delavayi植物的密度,高度,直径和分支数量。根据相对密度,相对优势度和相对频率计算生态重要性值,以确定W. delavayi表现出最大生长的栖息地。调查了其他地块,以了解当地收获周期后W. delavayi的再生。



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