首页> 外文期刊>Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology >Characterization of Starch-Utilizing Yeast Saccharomycopsis fibuligera Isolated from Nuruk

Characterization of Starch-Utilizing Yeast Saccharomycopsis fibuligera Isolated from Nuruk


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A number of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera strains that can hydrolyse and utilize starch as a carbon source were isolated from nuruk, a traditional Korean starter for rice wine fermentation, and their specific growth rates on starch-containing medium were compared to choose the prominent strain. S, fibuligera strain MBY1320 showed a higher growth rate at 42°C than that of strain S. fibuligera KCTC7806, indicating that S. fibuligera MBY1320 has more thermo-tolerant machinery for starch hydrolysis and utilization than KCTC7806. Although the activity of a-amylase at 30°C was significantly lower for S. fibuligera MBY1320 than KCTC7806 (3,812.5 U vs. 14,878.5 U), S. fibuligera MBY1320 showed a much higher glucoamylase activity at 42°C than S. fibuligeraKCTC7806 (5,048.9 U vs. 13,152.3 U). Thus, a new S. fibuligera strain, with a higher starch-hydrolysing activity at elevated temperatures than that of other types of strain, this study reports.
机译:从韩国传统的黄酒发酵用发酵剂nuruk中分离出了许多可以水解并利用淀粉作为碳源的小球藻菌株,并比较了它们在含淀粉培养基上的比生长速率,以选择突出的菌株。鳞球菌MBY1320菌株在42°C下比鳞茎链球菌KCTC7806具有更高的生长速率,表明鳞茎链球菌MBY1320比KCTC7806具有更多的淀粉水解和利用耐热性。尽管在30°C时,S. fibuligera MBY1320的α-淀粉酶活性明显低于KCTC7806(3,812.5 U vs. 14,878.5 U),但在42°C时,S. fibuligera MBY1320的葡糖淀粉酶活性却比S. fibuligeraKCTC7806高得多(5,048.9 U vs.13,152.3 U)。因此,该研究报道了一种新的腓肠葡萄球菌菌株,该菌株在升高的温度下具有比其他类型菌株更高的淀粉水解活性。



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