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Sexual conflict in the snake den


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Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) court and mate in spring, soon after they emerge from large communal overeintering dens in south-central Manitoba. Because of a massive bias in the operational sex ratio, every female attractsintense courtship from dozens to hundreds of males. We suggest that this courtship constitutes significant "harassment," because it delays the females' dispersal from the den and hence increases their vulnerability to predation. Small females may face the greatest cost, because they are less able to escape from amorous males (who court all females, even juvenile animals). Our measurements show that males are stronger and faster than females. Experimental trials confirm that the locomotor ability of females (especially small females) is greatly reduced by the weight of a courting male. Arena trials show that intense courship stimulates females to attempt to escarp. Remarkably, some females that are too small to produce offspring may nonetheless copulate. This precocious sexual receptivity may benefit juvenile females because copulation renders them unattractive to males, and thus allows them to escape more easily from the den. Female "tactics" to escape male harassment may explain other puzzling aspects of garter snake biology including sizeassortative mating, temporal patterns in dispersal from the den, avoidance of communal dens by young-of-the-year snakes, and female mimicry. Hence, sexual conflict may have influenced important features of th mating system and behavioral ecology of these animals.
机译:红边的吊袜带蛇(Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis)于春天在马尼托巴中南部的大型公共越冬巢穴中出没后不久就与之交配。由于工作性别比例存在巨大偏差,每位女性都吸引了数十位到数百位男性的强烈求爱。我们建议这种求偶行为构成重大的“骚扰”,因为它延迟了雌性从巢穴中的散布,从而增加了其被捕食的脆弱性。小雌性可能面临最大的代价,因为它们逃脱多情雄性的雄性的能力较弱(雄性向所有雌性,甚至幼小的动物求情)。我们的测量结果表明,男性比女性更强壮,更快。实验试验证实,女性(尤其是小女性)的运动能力会因求偶男性的体重而大大降低。竞技场试验表明,激烈的比赛刺激女性尝试陡峭。值得注意的是,一些雌性太小而无法繁殖后代的人可能仍会交配。这种早熟的性接受能力可能会使未成年的雌性受益,因为交配使它们对雄性没有吸引力,从而使它们更容易从窝中逃脱。女性逃避男性骚扰的“策略”可能解释了吊袜带蛇生物学的其他令人费解的方面,包括大小匹配的交配,从巢穴中散布的时间模式,年少的蛇避免了公共巢穴以及女性模仿。因此,性冲突可能影响了这些动物的交配系统和行为生态学的重要特征。



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