首页> 外文期刊>Cancer: A Journal of the American Cancer Society >Health Care Utilization and End-of-Life Care for Older Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Health Care Utilization and End-of-Life Care for Older Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia


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BACKGROUND: Health care utilization in older adults (age >= 60 years) with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has not been well studied. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 330 consecutive older patients who were diagnosed with AML between May 1, 2005 and December 23, 2011, at 2 hospitals in Boston to examine their health care utilization and end-of-life care. Using multivariable logistic and linear regression models adjusting for covariates, we also compared health care utilization between patients who received intensive induction chemotherapy (n=197; cytarabine/ anthracycline combination) versus nonintensive chemotherapy (n=133; single-agent therapy). RESULTS: The median number of hospitalizations for the entire cohort was 4.2 (range, 1-18 hospitalizations). Patients who died spent a mean of 28.3% of their life after diagnosis in the hospital and 13.8% of their life attending outpatient clinic appointments. Although the majority of patients (87.9%) died during the 2-year follow-up period, a minority received palliative care (16.2%) or hospice (23.1%) services. Within 30 days of death, 84.5% of patients were hospitalized, and 61% died in the hospital. Among the patients who died, those who received intensive induction therapy (vs nonintensive therapy) spent 30% more of their life after diagnosis in the hospital (P<.0001) and were less likely to receive hospice services (odds ratio, 0.45; P=.05). CONCLUSIONS: The current findings highlight the intensity of health care utilization among older patients with AML, regardless of treatment modality. Despite the poor prognosis, palliative care and hospice services are rarely used. Future work should study novel health care delivery models to optimize care throughout the course of illness and at the end of life. (C) 2015 American Cancer Society.
机译:背景:对急性髓细胞性白血病(AML)的老年人(年龄≥60岁)的医疗保健利用尚未进行很好的研究。方法:我们对2005年5月1日至2011年12月23日期间在波士顿的两家医院连续被诊断为AML的330例老年患者进行了回顾性分析,以检查他们的医疗保健利用和临终关怀。使用针对协变量进行调整的多元逻辑和线性回归模型,我们还比较了接受强化诱导化疗(n = 197;阿糖胞苷/蒽环类药物联合治疗)与非强化化疗(n = 133;单药治疗)患者之间的医疗保健利用率。结果:整个队列的中位住院人数为4.2(范围为1-18例住院)。死亡的患者在医院诊断后平均花费28.3%的生命,而在门诊就诊的生命平均花费13.8%。尽管大多数患者(87.9%)在两年的随访期内死亡,但少数患者接受了姑息治疗(16.2%)或临终关怀(23.1%)服务。死亡30天内,有84.5%的患者住院,其中61%在医院死亡。在死亡的患者中,接受强化诱导治疗(相对于非强化治疗)的患者在医院诊断后的寿命增加了30%(P <.0001),并且接受临终关怀服务的可能性较小(比值比为0.45; P = .05)。结论:目前的发现强调了老年AML患者无论采用何种治疗方式,其医疗保健利用的强度。尽管预后较差,但很少使用姑息治疗和临终关怀服务。未来的工作应该研究新颖的医疗保健提供模式,以在整个疾病过程中以及生命终结时优化护理。 (C)2015年美国癌症协会。


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