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A brush with nature Richard Mabey

机译:理查德·马贝(Richard Mabey)

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"Virtually the Ice Age," proclaims the brochure for Creswell Crags, a limestone gorge cut into the unspectacular farming country of north Nottinghamshire. The prehistoric image is hard to sustain. The river that helped carve out the valley is now an ornamental lake. A busy tourist road runs between the caves where hyena bones and quartzite spearheads have been unearthed. Yet it was here, in 2003, that archaeologists discovered the first British Palaeolithic rock art, a series of bas-relief animal carvings that are reckoned to be the most remarkable of their kind in Europe. I'd called in on the off-chance, and found the caves locked up -a safety measure that is probably merited, for once, given the clutter of raw limestone rock inside. But peering through the grille outside Church Hole, I fancied I could see a bird carved on the ceiling, an arching neck ending in a great beak. It looked a lot like an ibis, and the thought that this image, of a creature I knew, had been shaped by human hands 12,000 years ago gave me goose flesh.
机译:“实际上是冰河时代”,宣告了Creswell Crags的宣传册,该石灰岩峡谷切入了诺丁汉郡北部一个不起眼的农业大国。史前图像难以维持。现在,帮助挖出山谷的河成为了观赏湖。出土有鬣狗骨头和石英岩矛头的洞穴之间有一条繁忙的旅游路。然而,正是在2003年,考古学家才发现了英国最早的旧石器时代岩石艺术,这是一系列浅浮雕动物雕刻作品,被认为是欧洲同类艺术品中最杰出的。我不时拜访了一下,发现山洞被锁住了,考虑到内部原始石灰石岩石的混乱情况,这是一次值得采取的安全措施。但是我凝视着教堂洞外面的格栅,我幻想可以看到天花板上雕刻着一只鸟,一个拱形的脖子末端是一个巨大的喙。它看起来很像宜必思,而我认为这种图像(我知道的一种生物)是在12,000年前由人的手塑造的,这给了我鹅肉。



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