首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Determinants of multiple central-place territory use in wild young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).

Determinants of multiple central-place territory use in wild young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).

机译:决定性因素是野生年幼大西洋鲑( Salmo salar )在多个中心地区使用。

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Patterns of space use provide key insights into how animals exploit local resources and are linked to both the fitness and distribution of individuals. We studied territory size, mobility, and foraging behavior of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in relation to several key environmental factors in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada. The 50 study fish were all multiple central-place foragers (i.e., alternated among several sit-and-wait foraging stations) and showed great variability in territory size and the total distance traveled within the territories. Territory size increased with the mean distance traveled between consecutive foraging stations, the number of stations visited, and the mean foraging radius. Fish also varied greatly in how much of the total travel distance was associated with foraging at a station (14.8-91.8%) versus switching among stations (4.6-84.3%). As predicted, fish in slow-flowing waters, where drifting prey were scarce, used larger multiple central-place territories than individuals in faster, more productive waters. Interestingly, however, the most mobile fish did not inhabit slow-running waters as predicted but were found at intermediate (optimal) water current velocities. Hence, our study suggests that among some multiple central-place foragers, increased mobility may not only serve to increase prey encounter rate but may reflect an attempt to patrol territories in favorable habitats. Further studies are needed to determine the generality and the ultimate benefits of multiple central-place space use among stream-dwelling fish and other animals.
机译:空间利用方式为动物如何利用当地资源提供了重要见解,并与个体的适应性和分布有关。我们研究了加拿大新不伦瑞克省双体船布鲁克的年幼大西洋鲑 Salmo salar 的地域大小,流动性和觅食行为,并与几个关键环境因素相关。这50条研究鱼全部是多个中心地觅食者(即在几个静坐觅食的觅食站之间轮流觅食),并且显示出领土面积和在领土内旅行的总距离的巨大差异。领土的大小随着连续觅食站之间的平均距离,走访的站数以及平均觅食半径而增加。鱼的总行进距离与在一个站觅食有关的总旅行距离(14.8-91.8%)相比,在站之间切换(4.6-84.3%)时也有很大差异。正如预测的那样,在流动较快的猎物稀缺的缓慢流动的水域中,鱼类使用的多个中心地区要比在更快,生产力更高的水域中的个体更大。然而,有趣的是,流动性最高的鱼类并未像预期的那样栖息在慢流水域中,而是在中等(最佳)水流速度下发现​​的。因此,我们的研究表明,在一些中心地带的觅食者中,流动性的增加不仅可以增加猎物的遭遇率,而且可以反映出在有利栖息地巡逻领土的尝试。需要进行进一步的研究,以确定居住在河流中的鱼类和其他动物在多个中央场所使用空间的普遍性和最终收益。



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