首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Is female promiscuity constrained by the presence of her social mate? An experiment with bluethroats Luscinia svecica

Is female promiscuity constrained by the presence of her social mate? An experiment with bluethroats Luscinia svecica

机译:女性的滥交是否受到社交伴侣的限制?蓝喉LuLuscinia svecica的实验

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Extra-pair paternity is common in birds and much research has focussed on the selective advantage of extra-pair matings for both sexes. In contrast, little attention has been given to the fact that in most species the majority of offspring are sired by the social male. We investigated whether extra-pair matings of female bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) are constrained by the presence of the pair male, by detaining males in cages on their territories for one morning during the peak of female fertility. The proportion of offspring sired by extra-pair males was higher in broods where males had been detained (35%) than in control broods (16%), while the proportion of broods that had at least one extra-pair offspring did not differ significantly between experimental (65%) and control broods (44%). Within the experimental group, levels of extra-pair paternity were not related to the day of experiment in relation to start of egg laying, but males caught early in the morning lost more paternity than males caught later on. Our results show that pair males exert constraints on the frequency of extra-pair paternity by being present during the period of peak fertility, which could be a direct effect of their mate guarding effort and/or due to an advantage in sperm competition for pair males.
机译:配对的亲子关系在鸟类中很普遍,许多研究都集中在配对对男女的选择性优势上。相比之下,很少有人关注这样一个事实,即在大多数物种中,大多数后代都是由社会雄性所生。我们调查了雌性蓝喉(Luscinia svecica)的成对交配是否受到成对雄性的限制,方法是在雌性育性高峰期间将雄性关押在其领土上的笼子中一上午。被拘留的雄鸽中,成对雄性的后代所占比例较高(35%),而对照雄鸽所育成的亲子中所占比例(16%)更高,而具有至少一对成对后代的雌性所占比例没有显着差异介于实验(65%)和对照组(44%)之间。在实验组中,成对产卵的父本水平与开始产卵的实验日期无关,但是在清晨被捕的雄性比后来被捕的雄性损失更多。我们的结果表明,成对雄性通过在生育高峰期出现而限制了对成对雄性的频率,这可能是其伴侣保护努力的直接效果和/或由于对成对雄性精子竞争的优势。



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